Chapter 16

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Vanessa was woken up by yet another knock on the base's door. She groaned, before stumbling her way there.
She pulled the door handle.
"Yes...? Who is it--"

Vanessa stared at Vangeance.

"Has Asta and Yuno arrived here?"
"Please take me to their room. And also, please do wear some more clothes."

Vanessa suddenly lost her drunk attitude when she saw a different captain on her doorstep. She got extremely alert, and led him through the house.
..he seems in a rush..
Vanessa couldn't help but watch the way he walked.

Vangeance had a clearly forced smile and his hand was hovering above his grimoire for the entire time. He was tensed, and something clearly happened to Asta.

"It's this one, captain."
"You sure?"
"Yes, obviou--"

Before she could finish the sentence, Vangeance slammed the door down with his feet.

The dust and smoke cleared and revealed two figures, leaning against the bedframe, clearly startled by the sudden action.

"Captain Vangeance? Did something happen?"
"..........Yuno, Uhh...who's that?"
"That's my captain."
"A magic knight's captain?"

Vangeance was clearly embarrassed, seeing how he broke the door down with no reason.

".....I'll fix the door. I'm sorry to interrupt you, Yuno. I had a feeling something happened."
Vangeance opened out his grimoire and intricately made a strong door with his tree magic. It was made with long and slim roots.
"I'll be leaving now."

The captain stepped away, soon his footsteps fading into the distance.

"What was that for?"
Vanessa scratched her messy hair, and turned to the boys.
"Are you both alright?"
"Y-Yeah, Vanessa-Senpai.."

Vangeance opened and closed the door once he stepped down from the doorframe. He looked at Julius standing outside, and smiled sheepishly.

"I could've helped you, but I'm still in the form of a kid. It would only startle the others."
Julius looked down at his hands.
"If only I didn't mess up with the time magic I used...hehehe.."

"Anyways, sir Julius...the boys seemed okay. There wasn't anything wrong."
The blonde looked up at the tall base.
"Did you see properly? You perhaps missed something."
"No, sir. They seemed...fine."

Julius felt a tinge of doubt in his stomach.

Julius walked up to Vangeance's tall figure, and patted his left shoulder.
"If you saw something, and aren't comfortable with telling me, we can discuss it later."

He removed his hand from the others' shoulder.
"Now come on, let's head back."

Julius had known from experience that if most captains got to know that their subordinates got into a bad situation, their first step would be to protect them. They would try to shift the attention to somewhere else, or hide the doings of the person.

Julius knew William saw something, but didn't want Yuno to get any sort of punishment.
Julius being the gentle man he is, decided to investigate later. He decided to give Vangeance some space.

A voice popped out of thin air.
"Where are you?! You left your paperwork as is and just left?!"
Marx was screeching through his soft light blue communication magic.

"Marx-San, I'll be there. I've taken some time off with Vangeance, don't mind me."
"......fine. Make it quick."

The blue aura from where Marx's irritated face took shape, collapsed into air.


The two boys continued sitting, leaning on the bed frame, and looking away from eachother.

Yuno removed his hand from his shoulder where it rested, revealing a deep bite mark, and redness contrasting with his fair skin.

"What did you do this for?"
Yuno glanced at Asta from the corner of his eyes.
"I don't know. I just felt like....y'know..."

Yuno constantly kept rubbing around the bite. Asta didn't turn to face the other boy at all. They sat in complete, uncomfortable silence.

"I came here to apologize."
The black haired boy finally broke the silence.

Yuno never really apologized to anyone from words. He always used his actions to show his feelings.

Being the awkward boy he was, he never spoke much at all. Now think about him apologizing. It would normally come out harsh, like how he talks. Sometimes there won't be any action he could do, such as now.

"I wanted to apologize for yelling at you in the ward. But to be honest, I had all the reason to do so."
"I will catch the Hell's Rouges and I will bring your memories and humanity back. Only me."
Yuno turned to Asta.

"It's my turn to pay you back."

Saying this, he got up to leave.
".....see you soon, I guess."
The taller male mumbled.

He did not expect a strong hit right on his back, which planted him face first into the stone tiles.

".....god you moron, that hurt.."
"I KNOW!!"

Asta sat down cross legged on Yuno's back.
"You're staying with me tonight, got that?!"


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