Chapter 12

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(Above drawing is originally by me)

Noelle and Asta yelped as they were thrown onto the hard courtyard floor.
"What's going on?! We asked if we could see the wizard king..!"
Asta threatened the mages as he got to his knees.
"Asta stay down! They'll definitely let us go soon...HEY MAGES! ATLEAST REMOVE OUR HANDCUFFS!"
"That won't be necessary."
A deep but clear voice reached their ears. They turned their heads to the voice, and came face to face with...
Both of them exclaimed in sync, as they watched the tall male walk up to them.

The man had jet black oiled hair swiped backwards, dull cyan eyes, and a mole below his mouth.

"We meet again, Asta."
The two teens were in shock.
"We....We asked to see Mahodei..What's going on?! WHY ARE YOU HERE?!"
noelle got onto her knees and clenched her teeth.
"Haven't you seen what's going on outside? The massive crowd? They all want him dead."
Kira turned towards Asta and walked up to him.
He brought his head low near his ears and whispered,
"They all want you dead."
Asta stiffened on hearing that.
"So....we have only one choice....executing you publicly."
Damnatio continued and moved away from the boy.
Noelle yelled, and got the man's attention.
"Why are you planning that now?! He's already proven his innocence!"
".....well....he saved innocent citizens from all around the forbidden and common realm!"
"What about his rampage at the Golden Dawn's headquarters?"
"They've already come and told us that it's okay! And by the way, it wasn't Asta's fault for going berserk! He was controlled!"
"How will you prove that?"
Noelle bit her bottom lip. With a huff she stood up and walked to Asta. With her cuffed hands, she picked up his left wrist to show the green bracelet.

"This....he got kidnapped a week back. When he returned, he wasn't himself. He would frequently have mood swings and this bracelet seems to tell us when to get away from him."
Damnatio looked at Asta's face and back to the bracelet.
"....that could be fake. Guards, check it."
Two mages from both sides took out two magic artifacts and placed them on both sides of the wristband. A buzz of mana circulated around the bracelet, stinging Asta a bit.

The two mages looked up at Damnatio and muttered.
"It's fake, my lord. It's nothing but a mere wrapping of cloth."
" we have all the more of a reason to behead you both."
Noelle and Asta were sweating, with nothing to say.
"Now then, turn on the communication device. And bring him in."
The mages pushed Asta and Noelle into the centre of the ring.

Shutters made of stone and rocks opened up, and revealed a void of black....before a figure walked out of it.

A man with a white short coat, red jeans, and a mask made with red and white stripes, with small holes to see through. His grimoire case was pure white, it looked like he had some divine magic.

"Ah...what...everyone left...?"
Asta said, and Noelle looked around and there had not been a trace of life in the ring anymore. It was just the girl, the boy, and the mysterious man.

"Asta...this man has some incredible mana around him, what are we gonna do..?"
She turned to see Asta who seemed just unfazed.
"Well....lets talk to him and ask what he's doing here...maybe even he's gonna be executed?"

Damn right you stupid ass muscle head.

Noelle wanted to punch him so hard he would just cease to exist.
"You're greatful that this other guy's my main target, Asta."
"Huh? Noelle look..."

The man's grimoire slowly slid out, revealing it's blinding white cover with golden scripture, and a golden 3 leaf clover in middle. His grimoire opened and flipped to a page.
"Purity magic...sinner's end."
Absolutely unnecessary white light swarmed around the open grimoire, and pulled out a red bar of steel. The man gripped the bar and pulled it out, revealing a red hilt and a wide square shaped sword with dangerously chipped and uneven sides. It was white with red blood stains in it's sharp side.

It emmited a grotesque and dark aura despite it's heavenly appearance. The two teens shuddered at it's mere sight.
This Ki....what is that...?
Asta held his breath.
The mana is barely visible...what on earth...?
Noelle stared at the long sword.

"Noelle...get ready...."
Asta opened his grimoire, followed by Noelle pointing her wand with her open grimoire.
Asta drew out his demon dweller sword, and got ready for the attack.

The man held the sword above his head and walked towards them.
"Wait...why is he holding it up? We're so far away from--"
Asta was unable to finish when he realized he was behind him, and pulled the sword straight down onto his head.

Asta jumpped away just in time, despite his crazy inhuman speed.
"His name is Alastair. He's the executioner in this clover castle. It's impossible to defeat him, even with two people."
Damnatio's voice spread around the ring, and originated from someplace where the two teens couldn't see.
"The entire capital is watching you, and nobody has come to help. That means all of them have agreed to having you both dead."
Asta's eyes widened, and looked down.
No...someone has to come...I can't even enter my black form, because I could go mad again...what's going on....?
He sensed the Ki of the incoming attack

His sword clashed with Alistair's just in time, and gave a bad push into his stomach.
This guy...
Asta barely managed to save himself and yet, another attack came. This time it came from the side and smashed him on the sides of his ribs, giving a fatal blow enough to kill him. He fell to his knees because of the weight of the attack.
Noelle yelled as a storm of water took the form of a dragon and flew from her wand. The dragon roared and opened it's mouth full of sharp teeth straight at the executioner. All the mana and water splashed into nothingness when Alastair blocked the attack, with no pressure at all.

The executioner brought his sword down on Asta's neck.


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