Chapter 9

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The Black Bull's base seemed quieter, but it was never silent.

Luck and Magna fought each other while Gauche yelled at them, Vanessa lay drunk on the sofa flirting with Noelle and Zora, Charmy ate until her stomach was full like the glutton she is, and Henry teased Grey for a bit.

Secré was on the rooftop, watching over the base, and taking over Henry's position as watcher.

She was naturally worried, because it was merely once that Secré wasn't with Asta, and that was exactly when shit went down. came from the Golden Dawn base, that Yuno had found Asta.
They're so close to each other. Since childhood, only they could ever find where the other is.
Secré thought to herself.
....they have a bond stronger than any sibling or couple on this earth. I hope it stays this way.
Secré watched the sun go down. There were splashes of red and pink, painted across the sky, shifting into darker shades everytime the sun went lower.
....let's check on him, Like yesterday.
A woosh of blue scales enveloped the girl and vanished, leaving behind a small dark blue bird, with a red belly. It took off to the direction of the Golden Dawn's base.

Secré slowed down and perched on a tree, which overlooked the base.
I barely sense any mana...
She watched. And watched. Things turned out more bizarre than what met the eyesight.

A massive rock flew at her, but she dodged it just in time. Startled by the sudden action taken, she looks down, and is finally able to sense mana, but barely any. They were like specs of white on a massive black wall. Each spec kept disappearing one after another, like something was hunting them down.

They we're all soon enveloped by a pitch black mass which spread like a visible plague. It smelled horrid, like a hundred fresh bodies of humans. It was like the massacre of the elves that she witnessed 500 years ago.

She didn't hesitate to swoop down into the black mass.


"What's going on?!"
Letoile yelled, frantically trying to search for some light, within the black smoke.
"Klaus-Senpai! Yuno! Where did you guys go?!"
A male voice echoed through, and out came Alecdora, running towards her.
"Sir Alecdora! Where are the others?!"
"How an I supposed to know?! I can't see anything!"
Letoile opened her grimoire, and flipped to a spell..
"...Compass Magic.. Another Atlas!"
Swirling neon green mana slowly tried making it's way around the two, but it almost immediately disintegrated.
Letoile couldn't believe it.
"What happened? Why don't you use your magic?"
"Can you try, Sir?"
The male opened his grimoire, but that's it. Nothing came out.
"This black thing.... It isn't mana. It's something else. It's blocking us from using any spells, it's nullifying everything!"
The confused woman closed her book and ran towards a random direction.
The male freaked out and followed close by.

"Captain! What's going on?!"
Yuno and William watched as the centre structure in their base turned into a black thick tornado.
"Yuno, this doesn't feel like mana. I think it's your friend."
Yuno's head turned towards his captain. He was waiting for William to take that back, but nope.
"Asta has gone berserk...what more could happen?!"

An inhumane screech filled their ears, one they couldn't describe.

"....Yuno, you got a plan?"
"I'm sorry captain, but--"
"No need for a plan. Push yourself through from this side, and reach the eye of the storm. He will be there."
His captain ran to the other side. Yuno watched him leave, until he was out of his sight.

I'm coming.

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