Ch. 17

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Wooyoung POV ~

We were finally on the road after we pulled up to San's house, and now he is somehow on my lap. I don't even know what I was thinking when I just pulled him on top of me. He just looked so sad even though he said it was ok to leave without him, that I just felt the need to cuddle him. 

That's normal for friends to think, right? I mean he just looked so cute in that moment, all pouty and doe eyed that I didn't realize what I was doing. I mentally slapped myself for thinking about San like that, my best friend.

It's been around 10 minutes since we left his house, and I kind of don't know some people, but I figured we'll just introduce ourselves later when we arrive since it was so quite and peaceful I didn't want to ruin this rare moment. 

San was just sitting on my lap with his jacket forming a tent covering his phone, making me curious on what he was doing. I tried to peak in and look, but he also was covering it with his hand. I huffed out and gave up, but I was still curious. After awhile, he came out of his jacket and looked straight at Jongho, squinting his eyes with a glint of something I couldn't place. He went back to typing on his face, but this time he wasn't covering it anymore so I tried to take a peak again. He noticed me straightaway and whipped his phone around, the only thing I saw was "san 🍑" He went back to typing and I just stared at him. Wow, was he always this... this cute? I felt heat creeping up my cheeks, but forced all of it stop when I remembered the whole deal with Mingi. Right, he was probably dating Mingi, but then what about Yunho? I saw them holding hands that day and acting all close, so close that it bothered me. But I know that Yunho likes Mingi, so what was going on??! I ran my hand through my hair looking straight at him, and he looked up at me, but looked backed down quickly again, ugh so frustrating.

Another 5 minutes passed and suddenly, there was a loud sound coming from San's phone. 

"Whyyyyyy cannt hee luv me ughhh. How dareee that man take a-away my precious babyy from me. Fight me trickass bitchhh" Wait, that was San's voice, huh?

I hear Mingi's voice too "Babeyyy come here" So they really do have some type of relationship with each other. Calling each other baby now, I don't like the sound of that.

"Uhnnnn I luv you soooo much Woo-" That was the last thing I heard before San jumped up out of my lap and smacked his head on the roof with a red face. 

Normally I would be concerned, but all I could think of right now was the last thing that I heard. I know it was clearly San saying "I love you so much" to a certain someone that I couldn't catch the name to fully. 

"What was that. Who do you love so much, huh?" I said trying to sound like I didn't care so much and with a teasing tone, but truthfully, I was hurt. I felt lost because of these emotions and feelings that threatened to crawl out of me. I was jealous, but of what, and what reason and right do I have to be jealous for? I was just his best friend, nothing more. I don't even know why, but right then, I felt tears threatening to spill over and unleash like a waterfall. I'm so lost and confused, why do I feel this way? I tried to hold it all in, but at that moment, when he didn't answer and just looked at me with an unreadable expression, I felt a stray tear trickle down my face. 

"What..?" I surprised even myself with the single tear that streaked down my face, alone just like me. These past few days have made me so confused, where just a few days before, I was so sure about myself. What even happened to me, to us, our friendship, our bond, unbreakable and closer than anyone else?


San POV ~

I stared at Wooyoung scared that he heard the last part, and that he figured out it was him who I was talking about. I couldn't answer his question, because it was about him and I wasn't about to tell him just yet, but then he started crying, I gasped and quickly went to hug him.

"Hey, look at me, what's wrong Woo?" I asked gently while patting his back trying to comfort him as I hugged him close. 

"I-I don't know. I hate it, I hate these feelings, I don't e-even know why I feel this way, I don't know why I'm crying either." He answered softly, voice cracking and broken.

I always hated seeing him cry, and the worst part is that I don't know why. It pains me seeing him sad and broken, he's the sweetest person in the world, and my only wish is to see him laughing, and being happy. 

"It's going to be alright, take your time, you don't have to say anything Woo. It's okay to cry, it doesn't make you a weak person, it shows that you are strong enough to show your emotions and show a side to us that so many try and hide. There's nothing wrong with being weak either, we're here for a reason, to help and understand each other."

"I... thank you San" He replied quietly, looking up into my eyes. 

I really wanted to kiss him right then and there, he looked so vulnerable and delicate, yet luring and intoxicating. I was about to lean in, but then I heard Mingi speak, snapping me out of my trance. 

"Umm, sorry to interrupt, but we're here" He said smiling softly at us.

I looked back at Wooyoung and smiled. "Come on, let's go and have some fun"

He smiled back and hugged me before pulling away again "Thank you for everything, Sannie"

My heart swelled at that name, but I forced all the butterflies fluttering around to stop. 

But stopping doesn't mean disappearing. 


Happy New Year everyone! It's 2021 now, wow. It's been quite a year to say the least XD // I wish everyone will be safe and joyous. There will always be rough patches here and there, and bumps along the way, but I believe that you can and will overcome them 💕 Thank you everyone, love you all <3 

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