Ch. 20

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*2 weeks ago*

Yunho POV ~

I was home alone, it was Friday so I stayed up late because I knew I would be able to sleep in. I checked the time on my phone, surprised that it was already 1:45 a.m. Time flies when you're relaxing, sigh.

I shuffled out of my blankets and left the warmth of my bed to grab a quick snack for the movie I was going to watch. But then, I heard frantic knocking on my door. Cautious of who it could be, since it was so late, I grabbed my broom that was by the staircase, and silently stalked my way towards the door. I looked out of the peephole, but I didn't see anyone. Sigh, it must be one of those stupid pranks, so I set down the broom and went back to the kitchen.

I was about to leave after grabbing a bag of chips, but I heard the nocking again, this time softer, like they had no more energy. This time, they called out, and I dropped everything and rushed to the door after I realized who's voice it was, strained, tired, and cracking.

I flung the door open and saw that it was Wooyoung, crouched on the ground in a ball, head tucked down into his arms, rocking himself back and forth while choked sobs fell from his mouth. I did the first thing I could think of, hug him and just kept him in my arms, gently patting his back.

"Let's go inside first, Woo, you don't have to say anything" I said as I gently stood up still wrapped in a hug. 

He nodded and stepped inside the house, taking him to the balcony, remembering how much he loved it. I pulled out the chairs and blankets, taking time to settle down, giving him more time to calm down. 

"Do you want anything to drink? I can go get something right now" I said, turning to do just that, but was stopped by a hand grabbing my sleeve.

"N-no, it's alright, please stay with me" Wooyoung responded, head hung low.

I sat back down and hugged him again, silently under the stars that glimmered, just like the tears that escaped his eyes. 

"You don't have to talk about it if you aren't ready, Woo" I said gently, making sure to tread lightly. 

"I want to talk about it, i-if that's alright with you. I'm sorry for coming at such a late hour, maybe I should just leave" He said, standing up, but I pulled him back down.

"You're never a bother, we're friends aren't we?" I said, smiling at him.

"I... I'm so grateful for you, thanks" He sat down again and shakenly taking a breath. 

"I-It's about San. I'm just so confused about everything, Yunho" He said, looking at me with glossy eyes.

Seeing him in that state made my heart ache. He was such a precious soul, so oblivious to things. I hummed to acknowledge that I was listening. 

"Well, I don't know what's been going on lately, but it seems like he's been purposely ignoring and avoiding me lately. I don't know what I did wrong, but all of a sudden, he just stopped hanging out with me, and even if we do sit together at lunch . . . i-it's like I'm not even there. It's just him and Mingi acting all cuddly together, being all close, not that it's wrong or anything, just that I feel invisible to him, to both of them, and it hurts" He managed to choke out.

I thought, panicking for a second because I knew why they were like that, "Maybe San just wants to hang out with Mingi at school, they probably don't get much time together off school?"

"Well, that's the problem. Like I could understand if they could only see each other at school, but no, that's not it! For the past week, I've asked San many times if he wanted to hang after school, but he always says the same thing, "Sorry Woo, I'm gonna go with Mingi today." So I asked if I could come with one day, so we could all hang out together, but he just looked at me with an unreadable expression and said "We can spend time together later." I-I just . . . I don't know what I did wrong to make him ignore me like that . . . it hurts, Yunho" Wooyoung sobbed while letting out his feelings that have been pent up for the past few weeks. 

I've never seen Wooyoung cry like that, so broken and disheveled. I enveloped him into a tight hug, "It's okay, Woo, let it out" I spoke softly, doing my best to comfort him. I made a mental note to talk to both of them later about it, because seeing Wooyoung like that broke me too. 

We stayed like that on the balcony, just me and Wooyoung hugging each other under the stars, until he began to droop down and soft snores rang out in the quiet night. I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding, picked him up and took him inside to the guest room and lay him on the bed gently and covered him in the blankets with as much care as I could. Closing the door softly, I went to my own room and paced around before finally sitting down.

I grabbed my phone and sifted through the contacts until I found Mingi. 

Minki Babyyy 💝

Hey Mingi, are you still up?

Yes ofc why are u still up tho babe

It's about you and San.

Oh, is something wrong?

Yes, can we talk about it in person though? I don't like texting topics like this.

Yes, I'll be right over, give me 10 minutes.

It's late, you should sleep for today.

No, it's alright. I think I have an idea on what's it about, and I'm at fault, so it's only right for me to take responsibility. 

You're too sweet Mingi . . . alright, I'll see you soon, don't ring the doorbell though, Woo is here and he's asleep.

Noted, ily💗

ily too  💖

read 3:58 a.m.  


What's ur fav Ateez song? I've been listening to One Day At A Time too much these past few days 💓

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