Ch. 14

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Wooyoung POV ~

I woke up with rays of sunlight hitting my face, making me screw my eyes even tighter. I reached over for my phone, still half asleep. I looked at my phone, groaning as I felt myself drifting off again. It was only 7:13 AM. I settled back in the layers of blankets, only to be wakened up by screaming. I opened my eyes and stumbled off the bed, realizing that I wasn't even at my own house. Then I remembered that I was at Yunho's house and we were supposed to meet up with his friends today.

Yunho burst into my room, or should I say his room since it's technically his house, and banged the pan he grabbed on the nightstand. I thought he was supposed to be the calm one, completely different from the image I had before of him. I was surprised at how quick his demeanor changed from yesterday, when we had our sentimental talk together.


"Where did you get that pan from" I asked, realizing that sounded stupid because there's literally a kitchen.

"That's not important, the important thing is that we're going camping!" He screeched, even though I was literally one feet away.

"Wait what!?"

"Yesss, we're going to meet my two best friends, do you not remember yesterday?"

"Ummm, I do remember that we're meeting your friends, BUT NOT THE PART ABOUT CAMPING!" I screeched. "Also, what are their names anyways?"

"Oh right, I forgot to tell you," He said whipping out his phone.

Yunho pulled out his phone and went to his camera role. He scrolled through until he found a picture of them together, which wasn't very hard since he had like at least 200 photos. He faced the screen towards Wooyoung and pointed.

"The tall one is Seonghwa, and the short one is Hongjoong. Both of them are really nice and mature, so don't be scared even if they seem strict at first. Their both clowns in reality, you just have to let them warm up to you!" Yunho explained.

"Wow, they both are really handsome . . . and I'm sure their both nice and mature" I said skeptical about the last part.

"Trust me, they are kind, but iffy on the mature part I guess" He laughed

"The important part is, when did we ever plan on camping???" I asked really confused.

"Oh yeah, there was a change of plans, so their friend Yeosang, actually invited both of them to go camping together, and they said that San is going with his friends too, and Mingi is also coming" Yunho told me.

"Wait wait wait, it's too early and my brain can't process this, give me a recap" I said.

"Basically, we were supposed to meet my friends Seonghwa and Hongjoong at the café like a normal person would, but then there was a change of plans. So now, we're going camping together with them, and San's friends and Mingi are going to be their too. We're going for three days cause why not. So, there's going to be eight of us, you and me, Seonghwa and Hongjoong, San and his two friends, and Mingi. We're gonna go for three days and do some fun stuff. Got it?" Yunho explained.

"Ah, I see" I said nervously.

I didn't even know why I was nervous. I mean yeah, I was meeting new people and camping with them for 3 whole days, for all I know, they could murder me in my sleep, but I should trust them because their Yunho and San's friends . . . Mentioning San made me nervous, I didn't know why either. I just don't want to see Mingi making out with him, I mean like I'm just so confused on their whole relationship and it bothers me so much, but it shouldn't matter to me, why should it? And Yunho too, they were acting very sketchy yesterday morning, I saw them holding hands and walking together without me, and that hurt.

"Aish, quit being dramatic" I told myself and slapped my arm.

"What's wrong?" Yunho asked. "You don't have to go if you don't want to, sorry if I forced you to. I shouldn't have told them yes, and should've waited to ask you how you felt about it" He said bowing his head, his previous hyper self gone, and bringing back his mature side that he showed yesterday.

"What, no!" I said panicking. It's okay, really, I'm just nervous" I said truthfully.

"Oh, really? That's good then" He said happier.

"Yep, don't worry about it" I said assuring him.

"Alright, are you hungry, do you want breakfast?" He asked.

My stomach growled as he mentioned it. "Yeah actually" I said hiding my face in the blankets.

"Ok good, cause I made you breakfast anyways" He said smiling.

"Awwww thanks, I'm gonna get ready now" I said smiling as he left the room.

I grabbed my phone and checked the time. It was exactly 7:33 AM, gosh my mom was going to kill me, but that doesn't matter right now. I did the usual morning routine, you know don't have to go super into detail. After that, I left the room and went downstairs to eat breakfast.

"Thanks Yunho, that was actually really good, I'm surprised" I said teasing him.

"I know right, I'm the best chef you'll ever meet" He said flipping his imaginary hair over his shoulders.

"Alright, thanks for letting me stay over. I'll get packing now, see you later!" I said waving to him as I walked out the door.

"Yep, see you soon." He echoed after me.

Man, I could feel that this was going to be a long time, even though it is only going to be three days. Well, at least San and Mingi were going to be there, I mean their my best friends. "Best friends . . . right?"

Hey everyone, I'm back I guess :) sorry for the long dragged out update >< Anyways, thanks for reading!

Jealous / WoosanWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt