Ch. 1

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San POV ~

"Ahhh" I groaned in frustration

Why couldn't school go any faster? The only part of school I looked forward to was hanging out with my friends. Well, also staring at Wooyoung and fanboying over him. 

You see, I have a big fat crush on my best friend and all my friends knew except Wooyoung. They would constantly tease me about it, but that wasn't the bad part. The bad part was that they would tease me around Wooyoung! Every single time, they would just say how cute we look together and that we were meant to be. Every single time, I would tell them to shut up and slap a hand over their mouths. But, Wooyoung didn't take it seriously and just laughed along and say things like, "haha that's my best friend right there," or "isn't my best friend so cute."

That's right. Wooyoung didn't even acknowledge San's crush on him. He was just that dense.

"RIIIING." Yes! Finally the bell rung and that meant it was lunch time.

 I sprinted out of the classroom and into the cafeteria. Along the way, I bumped into Mingi who was my also my best friend. 

"Woah there, slowwww down." Mingi yelled at me "Can't wait to see your boyfriend huh?"

"Shut up now or else I have to get physical." I whispered in his ear acting like I was seducing him.

From an outsiders perspective, it looked like I was kissing Mingi but I didn't care even though there were a lot of other students around us.

That immedietly shut him up because he knew how I was when I got mad. I snickered at him and was about to say something else when someone said, 

"You have a boyfriend?" 

It was Wooyoung. Now it was Mingi's turn to snicker and San started to turn red. 

"H-Hey," I stuttered at Wooyoung who expectedly looked at me waiting for a answer.

"So, do you?" Wooyoung asked as swung his arms around my shoulder. 

I immdietly began to blush harder and I glared at Mingi who was laughing at me and not helping. I begged him to help me out with my eyes. Luckily Mingi started to walk towards us and I thought he was going to help me.

"Maybe he does, maybe he doesn't, right babe?" Mingi said as he pulled my chin up towards him and smirked. 

I was suddenly aware of the people around us whispering things like, "Omg, are they dating?" "Kyaa their so cute together." "Ahhh, did he just call him babe." "Power couple eeeek!!"

I started to feel heat creeping up towards my face not at Mingi's action, but at the people starting and what they were saying. But of course they didn't know that so it looked like he was blushing at what Mingi was doing.

"Ohhhh myyyyy, he's blushing!" "Keee, oh my gosh so cute!" They screeched

I couldn't take it anymore and ran off towards the cafeteria with a beet red face. The last thing I heard was, 

"Remember to save me a spot, Baby~!" 

Everyone started to scream and fangirl or fanboy at them except for a certain person and that boy being Wooyoung.

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