Ch. 18

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They had arrived at their campsite, dusk already setting on them by the time they had piled out of their car and took out all of their luggage.

San POV ~

I hugged Wooyoung one last time and we all piled out of the car. I miss his warmth already, (that was the best seat ever.) I felt like his embrace was all I needed in life, but unfortunately, I had to get out before Yeosang would kick me out, I know he would. We found a place to settle down by a lake in an area sparsely covered by trees. Everyone started to sprint down the path with their bags so that they could claim the best spot to sleep for themselves. I was about to run after them, but I felt someone tug at my hand, so I stopped myself and looked back to see who it was. It was Wooyoung, his head looking down and pink dusting his cheeks. 

I was flustered at the sudden action and forced my voice to work, "Do you want to go together?" I silently thanked the gods for being able to speak without stuttering through my sentence. 


Wooyoung POV ~

Everyone had ran away as soon as we parked, looking for the best area to rest. I saw that San was going to run after them, and something in my mind told me to stop him, so I did just that, grabbing his hand to get his attention, and maybe I just wanted to hold his hand . . . He turned around with a surprised look on his face, and I had opted to stare at my shoes before I could embarrass myself even more. 

He spoke first, thanking him in my head because I knew that my voice wouldn't work, "Do you want to go together?" 

"Y-yeah I do" I wanted to slap myself right then, why did I just stutter? 

"Let's go then, come on!" He dragged me away from the car and chased after everyone who were already beginning to look like little dots on the horizon. 

I felt something in my chest, something stuffy and blooming, uncomfortable but calming at the same time. What was that feeling, why was I feeling like this? I must be sick.


San POV ~

I chased after everyone, Wooyoung's hand still in mine, pulling him along with me. He didn't look like his normal bright and cheerful self, instead looking lost and confused. Maybe he just needs some rest, he must be tired.

We arrived at the place, everyone else already settled down, pitching up the tents. 

"Wooyoung, San!" Mingi yelled, getting everyone else's attention too. 

I saw Yeosang looking at something between me and Wooyoung, so I looked down and noticed that our hands were still linked together. I quickly dropped his hand and opted to putting my arm around his shoulder instead. I could've sworn that his expression changed for a split second, but again, I'm probably just imagining things like I always do. 


Wooyoung POV ~

As soon as Mingi called for us, San took his hand out of mine and put his arm around my shoulder instead. I don't know why, but that hurt a bit, well maybe not just a little, it hurt a lot. All these little things were making my chest tighten and my heart sink, and I don't even know why, everything's so frustrating. 

I shook myself out of my thoughts when everyone started to gather at the center, slowly looking around at each other.

"Well, hello everyone. I'm sure you all realized this, but not everyone knows each other it seems like. So I'll introduce myself first" The guy that was driving said first, smiling at us. He gave off a luxurious vibe, not fit for our current surroundings, camping in the forest, but I could tell that he was a nice guy from the way he looked at each one of us with a genuine smile. "I'm Yeosang, nice to meet you all. I'm friends with San, Jongho, Seonghwa, and Hongjoong, and I hope that by the end, I'll be able to call all of you my friends as well" He quipped cheerfully. 

I decided to go next, just to get it over with, and everyone seemed to be nice too, "Um, hi, my name is Wooyoung, and my best friends are San and Mingi and I'm friends with Yunho too, thank you for inviting me!" I said trying my best to be peppy. 

It went like that in a circle, everyone introducing themselves. Seonghwa and Hongjoong seemed really caring towards everyone, they were Yunho's best friends that I was supposed to meet. They came because Yeosang had invited them, so they asked Yunho to come too, and Yunho told me, so that was how there ended up being eight of us instead. Jongho was the youngest, but also the strongest, as I witnessed him stabbing a stake into the ground in one go with no difficulty, securing our tents, and he was also the one who lugged all the tents here. I payed no attention to Yunho and Mingi, but when San spoke, I droned out his words and just listened to his voice instead, calming me in a way that made me sleepy, making me smile slightly.


San POV ~

I noticed that Wooyoung was beginning to droop down and drift into sleep, so I kept my arm around him to keep him from falling. 

"I think we should just rest for the night, since it's quite late and we're all probably tired" I said, signaling to Wooyoung's drooping figure. 

"That's a good idea, we only have four tents though, so we'll have to go two in each" Yeosang said.

"Oh that's fine for me, I'll sleep with Woo" I said, as I gently ran my hand through his hair. 

Everyone exchanged knowing glances at each other and nodded, confusing me, "Alright, I packed food in that big bag over there, so when you're hungry, the food is right in there" Seonghwa said.

We all thanked him and said our goodnights and crawled into our tents. I laid Wooyoung down and covered him in the blankets, and was about to crawl in myself, until I heard a voice.

"Hey San, can we talk for a bit?" It was Mingi, with Yunho by his side.


There's quite a bit of POV changes, so to lay it out, I separate the changes with "(name) POV ~" and (''') both to help me distinguish them and hopefully point them out and make it easier <3


San POV ~

This is San ☂️

''' (POV Change)

Wooyoung POV ~

This is Wooyoung ☂️

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