Ch. 13

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San POV ~ 

"WAKE UP!" I yelled at Mingi who had the covers over his face.

"Five more minutes mom." He grumbled back.

"Do I look like your mom to you."

"Aish, just go away."

I pulled out my phone and took a picture with the flash on.

"Looks like I need to send these pictures to Yunho."

He sprung up immediately. 

"No, no, no, I promise I'm up don't send it." He begged

"Then go get ready, it's already 2:04 am."

"Who wakes up this early anyways." He grumbled.

I pulled out my phone and faced the phone to him and slowly moved my finger to the send button.

"I MEAN OF COURSE I'LL GET READY." He dashed to the bathroom and stumbled around.

I walked to the closet and took out my clothes and got ready. By the time we both were dressed and ready, it was 2:21. 

"Come on let's go!"

"Where are going?" Mingi asked running.

"I don't know I didn't think that far."

"Way to go."

We kept on running in a random direction until we ran out of breath. We stopped and started walking in the same direction with no destination in mind.

"Were seriously gonna walk for years." Mingi said.

"Your very right."

"Nothing is going to be open this early in the morning." He grumbled.

"Wait, I have an idea." I said pulling out my phone and going into messages.

I texted my two best friends telling them to meet up where we were. I knew they were up because they always were.

"Alright, let's wait for a while I just asked my friends to meet up with us."

"You have friends?" Mingi asked faking being surprised. 

I smacked his head "of course I do."

7 minutes later they showed up where we were.

"Hey!" They both shouted and waved at us.

"Hi I'm Jongho." He greeted.

"And I'm Yeosang." 

"Hi guys I'm Mingi."

"Alright greetings are over you know where were going." I told Yeosang.

"Of course I do. Come on."

"We piled into his car and drove to the place."

We arrived at the arcade and walked to the entrance.

"Hey, it's not open yet." Mingi said looking around.

"Haha, it's chill my dads the owner so my friends can go whenever they want." Yeosang said pulling out the keys.

He unlocked the door and led us in. I ran straight to the dancing  game or whatever people call it. They ran after me and I jumped on the first on and Jongho hopped onto the other. We started stepping everywhere and it was chaotic. He picked the hardest and we where  flailing our limbs without thinking. I won barely and we stepped off. Mingi and Yeosang played next but I already ran off to play with the other games. Of course Jongho went to the boxing machine. Every single time he would make a new high score that no one else could beat. We ran around playing until it was 4:36. We were all out of breath and decided to leave. 

"You know where were going next." I told Jongho.

"Of course."

"Wait were still going somewhere?" Mingi asked.

"Duh, were going to the karaoke." I said like it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"Don't worry about it, my parents own in." Jongho said winking.

"Why are your friends all rich?" Mingi asked exasperated. 

"Shut up and be grateful." I said pinching him on the cheek.

"Ow ow ow, ok stop please." He pleaded.

We arrived at the karaoke and went in.

"Just to let you know Jongho is a god at singing." I told Mingi.

"He's like good at everything and it's not fair."

"You'll get used to it."

Of course Jongho won every single time because he has such godly vocals while Mingi was trying his best and failing every single time. We all started messing around instead of trying because we all knew we would lose every time anyways. It just became a yelling, screaming, falling, tripping mess with everyone rolling around the floor. We finally left once we decided we might not be able to talk much less scream.

"That was fun. Let's do this another time." Jongho said.

"I actually have an idea." I said and they turned towards me listening.

"Lets go camping since we'll have three days."

"That's a pretty bad idea, you know that were all a mess and will probably get lost and get stranded with no food or whatever." Mingi said.

"And that's why I'll get my two other friends who are responsible to come with us." Yeosang said.

"That's a good idea." I said.

"Who are they?" Mingi asked.

"Don't worry, there really nice people and they actually know what they're doing without making a giant mess of things. Their Seonghwa and Hongjoong by the way." Yeosang explained.

"Ahh, ok well let's go home and pack first." I suggested. 

"That would be smart." 

We all climbed into Yeosang's car and he dropped us off. I started packing but my mind just couldn't help but wonder what Wooyoung was doing now.

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