Ch. 19

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San POV ~

I slowly stood up again, looking at Mingi and Yunho carefully. 

"Yes?" I answered.

"Good, because I wasn't going to take no as an answer anyways, let's go somewhere else" Mingi whispered, looking at Wooyoung's sleeping figure. 

I followed them, and we walked in silence until we stopped at the lake, shimmering under the moonlight, the water ever so slightly rippling and overlapping each other. 

"I figured that we should talk about the situation about Wooyoung, you, and us" Mingi stated, with a serious tone for once, showing that this wasn't a time to mess around or for fun. 

"Oh, what about it?" I asked confused.

"San, I'm being serious here. I really don't think it's a good idea to go on with this whole plan, pretending to be boyfriends, or whatever we are doing" Yunho said quietly.

"What do you mean? You both promised me that you would help me" I said with an accusing tone.

"It's not a good idea anymore, San, it never was a good idea in the first place to be completely honest" Mingi edged on.  

"Then why did you agree with me if you knew that it was such a bad idea?" I pressed, feeling myself get agitated.

I was met with silence, fueling my anger even more. "Is it because you two got together and don't want anything to do with me anymore, huh? Is that right? Now that you two have got your happiness, your just going to leave me alone?!" I huffed out a breath loudly, showing my annoyance, and turned around, just wanting to get away from both of them. 

I felt a grip on my shoulder and arm, pulling me back and grounding me in place.

"San, that's not the problem, don't you see?" Yes, we did promise to help you, but we can't just watch both of you pining on each other, stare from afar, and slowly breakdown. Didn't you just see Wooyoung break down just now? Stop pretending like nothing happened and that everything is fine when it isn't!" Mingi stated with a slight growl in his voice, as he kept me in place with his hands gripping my shoulders so hard I'm sure it would leave a bruise, but I couldn't even feel it at the moment, anger and confusion the only thing I could feel. 

"How is that my fault! I don't even know what happened and why he was crying! I thought I was the one who knew him the best, but it's like we're meeting again for the first time again. I really thought I could understand him after all this time, I hate it. I want to be the one that knows what's going on in his mind, I want to help him, but I don't know how and it's so frustrating!" I felt something wet gliding down my cheek. It must be raining.

"You need to get your shit together San. Can't you see why he's been distant and quiet lately? It's not because he's choosing to stay away from you, it's because you're the one that's been pushing him away. He's asked you countless times these past weeks to just be with him, that's all! But all you have gave him in return is rejection. Don't you know how hurtful that is? The person who you thought was your best friend ignoring you, like you never existed in their life. I know from experience, San, so don't even make shitty excuses saying things like "oh, but he should know we're friends, so it's ok," because no, it's fucking not okay to leave someone hanging like that, someone who clearly loves you" Yunho exhaled slowly, finding his breath again.

"H-how do you know how he feels, and how do you even know if he l-loves me?" I stammered shocked at his outburst, because I've always seen him as the calm one. 

"San, I don't think he would come to me crying, at 2 in the morning, trembling and sobbing if that wasn't the case. I didn't tell you this because I thought you guys could figure this out yourselves, and it's not a place for me to intrude, but that doesn't seem to be true, so I'll tell you right now" He took a deep breath and calmed himself, because he knew that yelling wasn't the right way.

I nodded, showing that I was listening, forcing myself to calm down.


Finally some drama XD 

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