Ch. 12

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Wooyoung POV ~

The last bell finally rung and I walked out of the classroom and went to Yunho. I was contemplating if I should actually talk with him when San ran up to me. I felt my heart thumping louder in my chest.

"Hey Woo, wanna come over today?

"Sorry I can't today, I'm going to Yunho's."

"Ah, that's fine have fun!" He said smiling and walking away. I could sense the disappointment in his voice though and I felt bad but I couldn't go back on my word. I thought I spotted Mingi out of the corner of my eye talking to Yunho and walking away. 

"Was that Mingi?" I asked.

"Yeah he asked if I wanted to hang out with him today but I said I couldn't." He explained.

"Oh, sorry we could talk another time if you want." I said kind of hoping he would accept it so I could get out of this situation.

"It doesn't seem like he's all that sad about it." Yunho said causing me to raise a brow and look at the direction he pointed at. I saw San and Mingi talking together with their arms around each other laughing at whatever they were saying. I clenched my hands together turning my knuckles white at the sight. Yunho looked at me with a expression I couldn't read.

"...Do you want to still come?" He asked.

I looked back at him. "Yeah I'm coming." 

We walked out the building and went into his car and drove to his house. By the time we arrived at his house, it was already 5 because we stopped at shops around and got ice cream and different things that we found interesting. We finally arrived at his house and it gave off a very warm feeling and seemed as if it was my own home. We walked up to his room and placed my bag on the floor. I was about to sit on the floor but he placed his hand on my shoulder and guided me outside.

"Wow, I'm jealous you have a balcony connected to your room?" I said exasperated.

"Haha, yeah I had to beg my parents to let me have this room." He said laughing.

"It's beautiful isn't it." He said 

I looked over the railing and saw that it was indeed very beautiful. They had their own flower garden with various different colors that blended together. It was like a portrait perfectly capturing every detail such as the sky swirling with wisps of clouds, the bunnies, squirrels and birds frolicking about, the pond with multicolored fish, and many other different sceneries. I stood in awe.

"The front of our house might seem like the most typical place but back here is where the beauty lies." 

I could only stare at the scene before me.

"You know, this place is exactly like a person. Everyone sees whats on the surface, everyone only sees what they allow them to see, what they want people to see." He turned to me.

"What did you think when you first saw my house?" He asked.

"Well, I thought it was like everyone else's house and looked very typical?" I said slightly questioning myself."

He nodded. "Yes, that's what you see at first glance. You see a 'normal' house like a replica of every other house out there. A person tries to fit in society by changing who they are on the surface to fit in with the standard. But, they can't truly change who they are on the inside. They hide many secrets afraid that those dear to them will leave their side once they know their true person. I bet that not a lot of people would ever guess that a place existed like this in a typical boring house like this, am I right?" He said looking at me in the eye.

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