Becoming His Kitten...

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"That was lovely, Shoto..."
I held onto his arm as we walked out of the restaurant, letting him lead as usual. Glancing up at him beside me, it was hard not to start drooling. Most every other girl in the place was. Turning his head, he smiled down at me, leaning down and kissing my cheek.
"Yes. You absolutely are."
I rolled my eyes with a smile at his dorky line as he held open the door for me and we walked outside. We had been dating for a month now, and he decided to take me out for dinner to celebrate tonight. After I had graduated from UA, I decided to take a shot with my "school girl crush", went back and told Shoto that I had feelings for him for years now. After some minor hesitancy at going out with a former student, he agreed to go on a date with me. Now, almost a month later, we were ridiculously happy together.
He opened the car door and motioned for me to get in. I stepped in, exhaling softly as I heard the door close. Sooner or later I knew I was gonna have to tell him, but I had no idea how he'd react. I felt guilty for keeping it for so long, and it was driving me crazy. I felt like I was hiding a part of myself from the one person I was absolutely crazy about. Would he accept me..? Would it weird him out..? I would be so embarrassed if it went badly...
I snapped out of my thoughts as he got in the car. Starting it, he reached over and rested his hand on my thigh, something he started doing after our first date. I honestly loved it, more than I would admit to him. It only brought out that side of me more. I felt like I was truly owned and possessed.
We were mostly quiet on the drive back to my place. It typically was a comfortable silence on our drives. There was no awkwardness, no scrambling to fill the quiet with insignificant things. We truly were just comfortable with each other, content to simply be in each other's company.
Pulling into my drive, he shut off the engine. His hand tightened around my thigh and I fought back a shiver in the passenger seat. God, how did he know all of the right things to do?! It was infuriatingly incredible. To be with someone so dominant by nature, yet being scared to bring up ACTUALLY being a Dom in a relationship.
I opened my door and stepped out, the cold air bringing me back to my senses a little. I took a deep breath as I waited for him to get out and come to my side to walk me to the door. And that was when I made the split second decision, to tell him what I had been keeping for so long.
"Shoto...?" I called from my side of the car, listening to his footsteps as he came and stood in front of me. A voice in my head was screaming, and I was doing everything I could to quiet it. 'Are you insane?! It's not time yet! He could leave after this! You're not ready!'
"What is it, sweetheart?"
At the sound of his voice, the panicked voice instantly shut up. I looked up to meet his concerned, warm eyes, and knew it was time.
"I...There's something I wanna show you. Something I've been wanting to for a while now. I need you to come inside with me."
His eyebrow immediately shot up. Before he could start with the 'We've only been together for a month, it's inappropriate,' I cut him off. "It's nothing like that. It's just something that's very important to me, and if I'm gonna be with you, I wanna share it with you. Okay?"
He studied me for a moment, before he eventually relented. I nodded once and walked ahead to the door, unlocking it with shaky hands. I heard him follow me silently as I stepped inside. I turned around and took a slow breath.
"I need to go get it. I'll be right back, okay...? Please just wait here."
Before he could say anything I turned around, only to feel his fingers curl around my wrist, turning me back to him. He looked down at me with a mix of confusion and worry, but His thumb gently moved across my wrist
"I saw your hands shaking when you were unlocking the door. Hell, could hear the keys jingle a mile away. So before you go to show me this, or prepare it, or whatever, I just want you to know, that it's okay. I still love you and I'm not gonna abandon you. No matter what this is. Okay?"
His admission brought tears to my eyes. I blinked a few times to clear them, before smiling to the best of my ability and nodded a little.
He nodded and let go of my wrist.
I turned back and practically ran to my room, shutting the door almost all the way. I peeked out of the crack to make sure he wasn't watching. After a few moments, I went to my bed and started rummaging underneath it, before grabbing my little box. Opening it, I felt nervous, but...excited. I finally got to show him the most hidden sight of me, that I had refused to ever show anybody.
I reached in and pulled out my black fox ears, attaching them to my hair and closed my eyes, feeling the internal calmness wash over me. Glancing up, I wiggled them a few times to make sure the sensors were still working. Satisfied, I then slipped my black fuzzy tail thru a belt loop of my pants. Looking behind me, I swayed it a little to make sure it still worked as well.
Saving the best for last, I pulled a black collar with a silver bell out of the box, wrapping it around my neck and clasping it. I turned to the mirror and smiled, happy with my mini transformation. This truly was the only way I ever felt comfortable with myself anymore.
After fidgeting and adjusting everything properly, I laid my hand shakily on my doorknob. Steeling myself, I threw open the door before I could change my mind.
I slowly walked back to the living room where I had left him, doing my best to stay quiet. His back was to me, and he was looking at all the little trinkets I had on my shelves.
"Okay Shoto...y-you can turn around now."
He immediately turned to me and his eyes widened, as I braced myself for the worst.

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