A Sub's Healing

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   I was aware of my surroundings before I even opened my eyes.
Stirring gently, I realized I was in that sleep trance place, where you're conscious and can feel things happening around you, but not too awake to register what's truly going on. An exhausted sigh left my lips as I scrunched my eyes up tighter, and nuzzled deeper into my pillows.
  And that's when reality set in.
The horror of the last night I spent with Shouta. The club. Endeavor. Dabi. Pain. My collar. Blood. A lot of blood. Pain. Hawks.
So much pain...
The memory of our disastrous outing all began to blur together as I replayed the night in my mind in no particular order. Dancing with Dabi. Hawk's drinking. The feel of the night air as I stepped out of the club. Shouta's hand guiding me to the VIP room.
Hearing the snap of my ankle. Feeling blood drip down my back from my head. My collar.
...My collar...
Holding my breath, I slowly moved one of my arms out from under my blankets. With shaking fingers, I touched my neck, hoping desperately I would find Shouta's collar around it.
My fingertips grazed the skin of my neck as I sat there in silence. I'm not sure how long I sat there, my eyes closed, simply letting my fingers touch my throat. All I could think about was that my collar was gone. Those were the only two thoughts swirling around my brain.
My collar
It's gone
My collar is gone
My collar...
I let out a mix of a sob, a gasp, and a scream. The sound made the pain in the back of my head worsen, but I couldn't help it. I'd never felt so lost. I felt like everything that made me a Submissive had, quite literally, been ripped away from me. I truly felt like I had no idea who I was.
I must've been louder than I thought, because I heard the sound of footsteps thudding upstairs towards me. I squeezed my eyes shut tighter as I began to shake. I couldn't face Shouta.
But the universe apparently didn't care what I wanted. I sniffled in defeat as I heard my door slowly open.
  I felt his presence in the doorway, standing still for a few moments. Slowly, he took small steps towards me until he was at the edge of my bed. I refused to acknowledge him. It was too much. I flinched slightly as I felt him sit on the bed. He never said a word, but slowly shifted his weight until he was laying down beside me.
  I gave a small shake of my head, doing my best to keep my tears in check.
"Babygirl, please. I want you to face me."
The more I heard Shouta's voice, the more I craved his comfort. Realistically, I knew he wouldn't think less of me for anything Endeavor had done. But that little voice in my head wouldn't stop.
You're collarless
You have nothing
He's going to leave you
Not a Sub
He deserves a good Sub
I let out another choked sob as I turned over as quickly as I could, flinging myself into Aizawa's chest. He never flinched, or grunted, or even blinked at my outburst or the impact of me colliding into him. His arms immediately went around me, cradling me firmly into his body. His chin rested on top of my head as I sobbed uncontrollably into his muscles. Shouta gently moved me back and forth, letting me scream and cry and choke on myself.
   Slowly, I began to tire myself out. My soul wrenching cries softened into little hiccups and sniffles. Eventually I was laying limply against him, tears streaking silently down my face. Shouta's fingers gently tucked my hair behind my ear, before using his thumb to wipe my trail of tears. I raised my eyes to meet his, sniffling the whole time.
  His eyes were already gazing down at me. His hand went from my hair to gently lay his palm against my cheek, thumb grazing my bottom lip lovingly. Our eyes stayed locked on each other, as I did my best to summon my voice. My lips parted and I choked out a small sound that didn't even sound like me. Closing my eyes, I tried to speak two more times before I gave up. I wasn't ready yet. The thought of saying anything to Shouta about last night was petrifying.
  I felt his hand go down my cheek, taking two fingers and gently grabbing my chin. I knew it was one of his Dominant gestures, and I gave in completely. I was lost. I needed his guidance, his care. His love, that was only for me.
  He cradled my chin, making sure my eyes were on his.
"It's okay, Fox. You don't have to say anything. I'll be right here with you until the end. We'll get through this together," Aizawa murmured, leaning forward to kiss my forehead.
  I didn't have anything left in me, though I wanted to start sobbing again. The relief I felt when I leaned on Shouta was immeasurable. He was perfect in every way. Especially as a Dom.
  "Get a bit more rest, love. We'll talk more when you wake up."
  I nodded, my hand curling into a fist with his shirt in it. I clung to him with everything I had. For the first time since we had entered that damned club, I felt safe.
"Y-Yes Daddy...Gnight..."
  I heard him chuckle as he softly traced patterns on the back of my shirt.
"Sweet dreams, darling."

Hi friends ! I know this was kind of a short chapter, but I wanted to get something posted! There will be either two or three more parts before the stories over ! It'll be finished soon :)
Love you guys !!!!

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