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  Sitting in front of my mirror, I ran my brush through my hair absentmindedly as I replayed the evening in my head. It was so much to take in. I had just met and had dinner with the number two Hero in the world. I suppose...I even befriended Hawks. I smiled softly to myself as the realization hit me. Not to mention, his former Villain partner, who he was in a Dynamic with. Dabi's confession had left me reeling as well. All of this combined with the euphoria the night had brought me...Lord, it was just too much.
  I was so lost in thought, I didn't hear Shouta enter my room. His fingers gently pried my brush from my hand, causing me to snap out of it. Tilting my head up, I looked at him upside down. He leaned down to kiss my forehead, his lips softly moving against my skin.
"Let me, Fox."
Shouta tilted my head back down, and my heart stopped momentarily as I saw his reflection in the mirror.
He had let his hair down, letting it fall naturally against his shoulders. His dress clothes were gone, replaced only... by a pair of baggy sweatpants, hanging low on his hips. Shivers went though me as I felt the warmth of his bare chest on my back. All I had on was a t shirt and panties, complimenting him wearing only pants.
My eyes closed as my brush's bristles slowly went over my scalp. My lips parted as purrs quietly left my throat, making Shouta chuckle behind me.
"Does that feel good, pretty Fox?"
I sighed comfortably as I nodded.
The movement in my hair came to a stop, and I heard the clatter of the brush as he set it down. Before my eyes could open, Shouta's fingers wove themselves into my hair at the base of my scalp, roughly tilting my head back up.
My eyes shot open as I whimpered in surprise, before he leaned down and growled against the skin of my neck.
"Don't EVER...let anyone touch that collar. Do you understand me ?"
The image of Hawks' hands up in surrender at the dinner table flashed through my mind, as I nodded to the best of my ability with his iron lock in my hair.
"Y-yes Daddy! I'm sorry!"
His teeth gently ran down my jaw to my shoulder as he continued.
"You. Are. Mine. I'm the only one who gets to touch you or your collar. This," using his other hand, he slipped a finger under the fabric against my throat, tugging gently. "Is proof of my ownership. Are we clear?"
Panting softly, I swallowed as I repeated the words that now came as natural as breathing.
"Yes Daddy."
Letting go of my collar and my hair, his lips traveled back up to my ear.
"Good. Now. Lean over the edge of the bed, and slip your panties off."
He took a step back, to my disappointment. Then I slowly began to realize.
He wants to see if I'll be obedient and do it on my own, or if he'll make me.
While the thought of Aizawa forcing me to obey made me wetter than a river, I wasn't quite ready for that yet. So I slowly stood up, and slipped my index fingers through the sides of the thin fabric clutching my hips. Slowly moving my hips from side to side, I slid them down my legs, watching Aizawa the entire time, seeing his eyes wide and filled with fire.
I knew I was in for it.
As soon as I had gotten my feet out of my panties, he closed the distance between us in a single step, taking me by the hair again, and pushing me until I was bent over on my bed. My eyes widened and I gasped softly at the realization of how exposed I was to him. Groaning softly, he let go of my strands, using his hands to instead slowly caress and grab my ass.
I felt his weight on my back as he leaned over me, his voice low and gravely as he nipped at my ear.
"This is what happens when bad Foxes mess around with their collar."
He rose back up, caressing my ass again with his palm...Before raising it, and bringing it back down hard on my skin.
  I cried out as I jerked forward involuntarily.
"Now. You're gonna count for me, Fox."
  Shakily I nodded.
He struck my bare ass again, harder.
We continued like that until he had spanked me ten times.
Breathing raggedly, I dropped my forehead to my sheets, sweat moving down my temples, my eyes filled with tears. 
  I flinched as I felt his hand graze my stinging ass, but Aizawa's touch was gentle. When he spoke again, his Dom tone was gone, his fingers trailing lightly over my skin.
"Was that too much, (Y/N)?"
Raising my head slightly, I shook my head.
"No Daddy." I chuckled lightly. "It..It was perfect."
I could feel Shouta smile from behind me. His arm slowly snuck around my waist, gently pulling me into a standing position, pressing my back to his chest.
"I'm glad you enjoyed it, darling. Now. Get in bed, and lay on your tummy, okay?"
I slowly nodded, crawling into bed with a soft wince as I felt the burn in my ass with each movement.
Looking behind me, I saw my room was empty. Unsure of what was happening, I shrugged softly, dropping my head into my mound of pillows.
After a few minutes the bed dipped as he climbed into it. I started as I felt something cool against my skin.
"I went to your bathroom and found some lotion for the sting. I also got an ice pack from your kitchen, and some snacks, okay ?" Shouta spoke softly as his palm gently rubbed circles over my ass, the cool lotion ebbing away the burn he caused.
My eyes had filled with tears as he spoke. I had no idea how I'd gotten so lucky to have someone who took such amazing care of me.
Slowly the circles came to a stop, as he laid down beside me. Holding himself up on one elbow, he took the ice pack and gently laid it on my ass. I exhaled slowly at the feeling, my muscles tensing at the cold before slowly relaxing back down on to my tummy.
Glancing up, I saw a mix of emotions in Aizawa's eyes. There was pride, love, lust, and...Worry, I realized. Reaching my hand up, I softly stroked his cheek, silently asking him to talk to me. Taking my hand, his lips softly graced my palm, as he began to speak.
"I didn't...It wasn't too much, was it ?"
I couldn't help the giggle that left me, covering my mouth quickly as his eyebrows scrunched together at my reaction.
"No, Shouta. It was perfect. I loved every part of it, and I can't wait to do it again."
His eyes closed as his shoulders dropped. It struck me how truly fearful he was that he had truly heart me, and the thought made my heart ache.
"C'mere you."
I squealed as his arms wrapped around me, lifting me up so I was laying over him. Aizawa helped me situate myself so I was laying comfortably on his chest, my face pressed into his neck.
"So. Did we learn our lesson, Fox ?"
I couldn't help myself, as the thought of more of his spankings filled my mind.
"Absolutely not, Daddy."
An exasperated sigh left him as he gently stroked my back.
"You're a mess, and I adore you."
I giggled like a school girl, tightening my arms around him. "I love you too, Daddy."
"Now, it's been a long day. Sleep, okay? I'll be right here when you wake."
I slowly nodded, as I realized how actually exhausted I was. The adrenaline of my punishment had left my body, and the date from this evening had drained me more than I thought. Guess I used up all my excitement and mental energy...
Shouta's deep voice began to hum softly as my eyes closed.
My Daddy is the best...

Becoming Aizawa's Petजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें