Making Friends ?

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   ~You'd look better with my hands around your throat...~

I had tore my closet apart trying to find a suitable outfit for tonight. What do I wear ? Is this too much ? No, that's too revealing. God no, I just look dumb in this. Thoughts were bouncing around my mind as I slowly began to panic, before throwing the dress I had in my hands on the ground in frustration. I had sat on the edge of my bed, and buried my head in my hands, when Aizawa came in. 
  "Baby Fox, why aren't you getting ready?"
I raised my head to tell him about the fashion crisis I was having, when my voice died in my throat.
  Aizawa was looking every bit of Daddy as he leaned against my doorframe. Black slacks and a button down black dress shirt, his long dark hair tied behind him in a loose ponytail. My eyes slowly took him in before me as my mouth started to water. Oh...My God.
  His hand raised up and he snapped twice. "Honey?"
I jerked and met his questioning eyes.
" look amazing."
He smirked and nodded his head towards me. "Flattery will get you nowhere. Are you going to answer my question?"
Sighing, I took a look at my entire closet laying on my floor. "I just...I'm freaking out okay? I've never met anyone else like us, I've never gone on a date like this. I don't know what to wear, and what if they don't like me ? What if I see them and it makes me realize I've been a mediocre submissive this entire time? What if they-"
  My worries were silenced as Aizawa came to the edge of the bed, and knelt in front of me. His hands were resting on my shoulders and he gently kissed my forehead, then both my cheeks, before resting his forehead against mine.
  "Baby Fox," he murmured and I suddenly couldn't remember what I was so worried about only moments before.
  "Forget the dynamic part of all of this okay ? I know this is a huge thing for you. It is for me too. But something else you need to remember...Darling, they're just people. Just like me and you. Okay?"
His dark eyes were locked on mine as he spoke, and I felt his hands gently squeeze my shoulders. "Now say it with me. They're just...?"
"...People," I finished, nodding a bit. He smiled, before leaning forward and kissing the tip of my nose.
  "Such a good little Fox, aren't you?"
Once he saw me smiling and calmed down, he stood up and took a look around at the clothes scattered over my room. After thinking in silence for a moment, he reached down and picked up a navy blue dress, nodding to himself. Looked around some more, and pulled out a pair of fishnets that were almost hidden under my bed. He straightened them out and laid them beside me.
  "This is what I want you to wear tonight. Okay little one? I'll have your shoes ready when you get downstairs."
  My face got hot as I realized what just happened. He just...He picked out my outfit!!
  And with that, I was knocked on my ass into Sub Space.
I nodded and stood up, taking the clothes over my arm. "Yes Daddy."
  He winked as he left my room, yelling back once he was downstairs. "We'll leave in forty five minutes okay?"

An Hour Later....

  I was fidgeting all the way to the restaurant. My legs were bouncing in the passenger seat, and I compulsively looked in the mirror to make sure I looked okay. The sixth time I went to pull down the visor mirror, I felt Aizawa's hand reach over and squeeze my arm.
"Baby. Relax. We're almost there, and you look fantastic okay? Just close your eyes and focus on breathing and I'll let you know when we arrive."
  I pouted softly as he put a stop to my anxious behaviors, but leaned my head back against the seat and closed my eyes. Despite how nervous I was about meeting someone like me, plus someone with the same dynamic as me and Shouta, I felt excitement buzzing in my body. I wonder if the Hero is the Dominant or the Submissive? Are they a Hard Dom? Do they only have the one Submissive? How long have they been in the lifestyle? My mind was racing as I thought of question after question to ask our possible new friends.
I opened my eyes when I heard Shouta put the car in park. Glancing over, I saw he was already looking at me, with a comforting smile and his eyebrow raised.
  "Are you ready sweetheart...?"
I nodded eagerly. He chuckled and got out of the car, coming to my side and opening mine for me. I stepped out and shivered, half from the air, half from the anxiousness I felt towards this dinner. I stepped towards him as he shut my door, and waited for him to start walking.
He didn't.
As soon as the door closed, he grabbed both my wrists and held my against the car. My eyes widened as I saw him tower over me, his expression almost feral as he trapped me. 
  "Seeing you, in public, for the first time, with MY collar around your neck..." He growled softly and leaned in, softly licking my jawline, down to where my collar rested around my throat.
He growled again, louder this time, and spread my legs with one of his knees, lifting my dress up.
"Say it again," he demanded.
My voice rose as much as it could without attracting attention in the parking lot.
  As soon as my voice got louder, his teeth sunk into my neck, right above my collar. Sucking gently for a few minutes, he pulled away and grabbed my chin with two of his fingers.
"I just wanted to play with my little Baby Fox before we went in."
  He removed his leg from under my dress and took a step back, before holding his arm out to me.
"Shall we?"
I glared up at him for a moment, panting softly and leaning weakly against the car. When I was sure my legs would support me, I stood up, and took his arm in my own.
"Hmph..." I pouted, all the way to the doors.

Who do you guys think the Hero is with the Dominant dynamic ????????

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