A Sub's Healing 2

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Over the next four days, Aizawa never left my side. Most people would've found his constant presence overbearing, but I found it extremely comforting. I felt like a storm was happening around me, with winds blowing hundreds of miles an hour. Everytime it became too much and I felt like the pain might overpower me, I reached out to Shouta to steady me and keep my feet from leaving the ground. No matter what, he was always there to keep me grounded.
During that time, I didn't really leave my bed. On good days, I got up and did stuff around my room. Cleaning, reading, simply gazing out the window and thinking. It was as if my room was my cave and if I left, I would have to truly face what happened and focus on my healing. The outside world was just too much to even think about.
So I laid in bed. Sometimes with Shouta, when he wasn't working, and sometimes alone. I cried into my blankets and pillows, slept when my thoughts became too much, and cracked small smiles when Shouta tried to cheer me up whenever he changed my bandages on the back of my head, my foot, and held ice packs to my neck and chest to help with the bruising and swelling. Despite the fact that Aizawa wasn't really a joke teller, all my laughs were genuine, simply because they hardly ever made sense, and because he was trying so hard to be funny. The famous Pro Hero and prestigious teacher at the number one Hero school in the world trying to tell me knock knock jokes while playing nurse was enough to actually make me smile. And everytime I did, I saw his eyes melt. I knew how worried he was, and seeing that I could still talk with him and laugh seemed to ease his concerns.
But by day five, my isolation was over. Aizawa wasn't having it.
I had been laying in bed, under my mound of blankets all day into the evening, mindlessly scrolling on my phone. I wasn't even really paying attention. My thumb just slid up on my screen, my eyes never even registering what was in front of me. It was all a slow moving blur.
My eyes slowly slid over to Aizawa as he entered my room. My heart rate picked up as I saw the look in his face as he started rolling up his sleeves.
"Alright. It's time to get up."
I looked at him incredulously. "I've been up ?"
He shook his head, coming over to me and prying my blankets out of my fingers.
"No. Today, we're getting UP. Showering, putting on new clothes, and eating some real food. No more moping in your fuzzy nest."
At the word mope, I felt another emotion besides self pity and despair fill me for the first time in days. It was anger. He thinks I'm MOPING ?!
Before he could tear my last blanket off me, my fingers curled and I yanked it out of his hands.
"You think I'm MOPING ?!" I yelled out, glaring up at his calm face. "I was assaulted ! Do you get that ?! I was beaten ! I was-"
"So now you're gonna roll over and not fight for yourself? Because that's not who I fell in love with."
My words died immediately in my throat as I stared at him with my jaw slack. My eyes began to fill with angry tears as I looked at him, unable to come up with a response to his biting words.
Shouta rested his elbows on my bed, leaning down and gently using his pinky to wipe away the few tears that managed to escape. When he spoke, his voice was soft and loving.
"I fell in love with an amazingly strong woman. Who doesn't take shit from ANYONE. Now, that woman is a little lost right now. But we're gonna get her back." His lips gently brushed against my forehead. "But I can't do it if you're gonna be kicking and screaming the whole way, (Y/N). You need to let me help you."
  I didn't fight him as he cradled the back of my head to his chest, taking his thumb and stroking up and down my hair. I had no idea what to say. Deep inside I knew he was using his tough love on me, and I also knew I did need it.
  My eyes closed as I slowly let my head go limp on Shouta's chest. When I spoke, my voice was cracked and strained.
  "I feel like my identity as a Sub has been ruined. E-Especially as your Sub. I have no collar. I'm bruised all to Hell now so my body's useless. I'm just not..." I trailed off and sniffled. I knew in my soul that everything I had just said was so, so wrong. Being a Sub was a mental thing, a piece of someone's life. But I couldn't help how lost I had begun to feel in what used to be my hiding place.
  In the middle of my rant, I felt Aizawa's muscles tense up as his whole body went rigid. I took a chance and glanced up, whimpering when I saw the look of pure disappointment in his eyes.
"Is that collar all you think you need to be a Submissive ? And a body that's sexually appealing ?"
I cast my eyes down.
"Because if you are, I'm absolutely shocked at you."
My eyes closed as I rested my forehead against his chest. 
Shouta sighed deeply, his hand resuming his stroking on the back of my head. 
"Fox, four weeks ago I didn't know anything about this. I mean, I knew about the kink world, but I had never experienced anything like it or been involved in it. I had no idea how complex it truly was. But even with the minimal exposure to this I have, I know what you just said was the farthest thing from the truth. Your need to submit, to submit to me, has nothing to do with a store bought piece of leather and lace that you've had for less than a month. It has nothing to do with the appeal of your body, which has not gone away just because you're a little battered. Your want for me to protect, love, and dominate you is rooted in your psyche, in the very depths of what makes you, you. And I don't ever want to hear my Fox say that you aren't a Sub anymore just because of a collar that I can replace in an hour, or a fight with a scumbag."
  I had begun softly sobbing against Shouta's shirt, my hands gripping the sides around his ribs tightly. He leaned down and gently pressed his lips to my forehead again. 
"Your submissive nature depends on no one, and nothing, but yourself."
Jerkily, I nodded and shakily wiped my nose.
"Now. I want you to get out of your little nest. I want you to take a warm shower. I have your favorite set of pajamas waiting on the sink for you when your done. While you're doing that, I'm gonna go fix you some real food, and we can eat outside if you're up for it. Okay ?"
Tentatively, I let my Sub side out a little bit, trusting Aizawa to do what was best for me in my moment of need. I stood up and he wrapped an arm around my waist, walking me slowly to the bathroom. Before I could get undressed though, Shouta slipped his thumbs under my tee shirt and effortlessly lifted it off my head in one smooth motion.
I didn't cover myself up. I didn't flinch. I knew he wasn't going to ogle me right now. I began to feel more and more in my Sub space. SAFE. I could be naked around Aizawa without worrying about him pushing boundaries, and without disappointing him. He truly was a dominant, and he was all mine.
He repeated his thumb actions in the waistline of my sweats. Once I was fully undressed, he put both of his hands on my cheeks and kissed my nose.
"Take your time in there, (Y/N). Get clean, soak under the water. Relax your muscles. Clear your head. Cry more if you need to. Do whatever you can to feel like yourself again." Aizawa smiled at me encouragingly before taking a step back and shutting the bathroom door.
I gingerly picked up the pile of dirty clothes he had discarded from me and gave a small sniff.
"Yeah...I definitely needed a shower before now." I cringed, dropping the clothes, and stepped into the warm embrace of my shower

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