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I : You will address me as Daddy
2: You're collar stays on, always
3: When I say "Come", you will wait at my feet
4: You will have a leash when we go out
5: Your response to anything applicable will be, "Yes Daddy"
6: You will brush out your ears and tail every night before bed, and every morning before you go out
7: Our safe word is "Villian"
8: You will wait for me at the table to eat, and will not eat until I start
9: Once a week, I will pick out your outfit
10: You will remind yourself that you are Mine, everyday in the mirror

  I reread the list Aizawa had given me for the hundredth time. He had came over this morning to give it to me, his eyes excited and nervous. Apparently, he had stayed up all night making a list of rules for me.

~Flashback To This Morning...~
He couldn't meet my eyes while I read through them all. I glanced up and noticed he had his hands behind his back.
"Close your eyes okay?" He smiled down at me, biting his lip in excitement.
One of my ears dropped curiously. "Why, Daddy...?"
His smile faded a small bit and his eyebrow went up, as his voice took on a whole new tone.
"Because Daddy said so. So do as he says, kitten."
Before a single thought could go through my head, on instinct, my eyes immediately closed. I heard him step around me, as he leaned down and said with his lips softly brushing against the back of my neck."
"Tie up your hair. And tilt your head up."
My breath caught as I did as he told me. It was incredible how I had begun responding to him, and he'd been my Dominant for less than a day. Slipping my hairband off my wrist, I put my dark hair in a high bun on top of my head, before tilting my head up, the back of my head almost touching his chest. I felt his hand rustling in his jacket pocket, and heard a small jingle from behind me.
...A jingle...?
Before another thought could cross my mind, I felt cool leather being rested against my throat, and hears a quiet click from behind me. I didn't open my eyes. I was having trouble keeping my breathing normal.
Aizawa just...he collared me!!!
"Keep your eyes closed, kitten."
With that, he turned me by my shoulders to face him, and took my hand. I felt myself being led to another room. After about a minute, he finally stopped, and his arms wrapped around my waist from behind, as his chin rested on my shoulder.
"Open, darling."
My eyes slowly opened, and I looked at our reflection in the bathroom mirror.
My hair was messy from being thrown up in a haste. My face was dark red. My eyes were wide in excitement. My tail was twitching rapidly behind me.
My eyes travelled down my face to my neck, and a small gasp left my mouth.
Resting lightly around my throat was a beautiful piece of black leather, with intricate, lace designs on the top and bottom edge. There was a silver bell in the middle, in which a black A engraved in the middle of it, resting in the middle of my collarbone. It was snug, but not tight. I felt a burn in my eyes and realized they were rapidly filling with tears.
"I'm sorry I made you give up your collar last night...but I needed to determine your style, get your size, get one personalized. I wanted to have a collar that was for US. That shows you're a taken Sub. That you belong to me."
I turned in his arms to face him, looking up at him at a loss for words. Taking my silence and teary eyes in, his eyes widened in panic, and he began talking fast.
"Oh you not like it ? Is there something wrong with it...? I'm sorry, I thought you would like it, I tried to make it something we would both like, but we can make one together if you want, I can take it back-"
I leaned up and pressed my lips to his, pouring every ounce of love I had for him into the kiss. He grunted lightly as he was cut off, but his hands pulled from my waist to rest on my cheeks. Once I pulled away, he looked a bit calmer, but not that much. He was so nervous about what I would think. He truly was trying his best.
"I have never been more happy in twenty four years, than I am in this moment, right now with you."
His eyes closed and a groan of relief left his lips, before they crashed back onto mine. His hand went behind my head and he held me against him, refusing to let either of us pull away for air. It was urgent. It was desperate. It was fearful. I scared him, I realized. He thought I had changed my mind.
I gently slipped my tongue over his lower lip, before my teeth gently bit down. I bit hard enough to taste a drop of blood, and he groaned into my mouth as I licked it off his lip.
He finally pulled away, as both of us came up, gasping for breath. I could see a red smear of blood on his lip, and I could feel the hair on the back of my head messed all to Hell. I stood on my tip toes, and pressed a light, sweet kiss to his addicting lips. Not as needful as the one before. Reassuring. Calming.
Shoto pulled away, just enough to murmur against my lips, as his hand went up to my new collar, and his finger slipped thru, tilting my head up to meet his kiss.
"Will you do me the absolute honor, of becoming my Submissive?"
I whimpered out, looking up at him, my ears already folding back in submission to him. Dedication. He owned me now. There was no going back anymore. 
"Yes, Daddy."


  His voice rang in my head as my eyes scanned over the paper again. "I want you to call me Daddy." My knees had gone weak and goosebumps appeared on my body. He smirked softly, and left without another word, leaving me reeling in the doorway. I slowly walked up to my room, almost in a trance. Laying in my bed, I realized my cheeks were starting to ache. I had been smiling so wide, I couldn't help myself. I turned over and had a small fit in my pillow- screaming, squeaking, giggling, rolling around. I had been on cloud 9 for days now.
I truly did belong to Shoto Aizawa....

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