Rekindling With Dabi

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I ran my hands through my hair in frustration as I stared down at my phone.

hey kid. just wanted 2 give u a call

kid ?

how r ur wounds feeling ?

is Teach being nice 2 U?

I'm so sry about the club

give me or Dabs a call

But the last one. I kept rereading it over and over again, trying to determine what to say, or even feel.

Dabi is asking 2 c u. I thnk he needs u rn

My heart broke for Dabi, though I wasn't sure why. I just knew something was horribly wrong. The inhumane scream when he saw Endeavor, with the way his body immediately engulfed itself in flames...almost like a shield. It wasn't normal. For the first time, the villain I had seen on the news so many times, who had caused so much carnage in the past looked deathly afraid. Like a child.
  I closed my eyes, typing a reply back to Keigo. The first message I had sent to anyone after the club.

  I'm omw

I took a deep breath as I forced myself out of bed and threw on my sweatshirt. I was shoving down the alarm bells ringing in my system about me leaving my apartment, but I didn't have a choice. I had to get back out into the world at some point, and what better time to do it then when my friend needed me?
  Shakily, I grabbed my keys and practically ran to my car. I didn't let myself think. I didn't let myself look around as I drove to the address Hawks had sent me. I knew if I even cracked a little bit, I would give into my fear and drive right back home like a maniac, never to be seen by the outside world again. And I couldn't do that to me, or Shouta, or Dabi.
   Gulping softly as I pulled into the complex, I kept my eyes focused on the road in front of me, determined not to start looking around.
Don't let him win, I thought. He's not anywhere near you.
  I repeated that thought to myself, desperate to believe it as I almost tripped over myself in my hurry to get to the front door.
  I didn't even have to knock, because Keigo was right at the door. I stopped short when I took him in, and my heart began breaking for him as well. He hadnt shaved, and his normal, careful 'just got out of bed' style was wild and tangled. The circles under his eyes were a dark purple, and he was leaning forward into the doorframe to hold himself up.
  What on God's Earth could Dabi be going through right now ? Without a word, I reached forward and wrapped my arms around him. Though the contact made me slightly uncomfortable, I knew deep down I was safe with Keigo. A part of that came from the fact I remembered he was the one who had intervened on the sidewalk and saved my life.
  Hawks body staggered against me as he chuckled softly.
"Thanks, kid." I winced as I heard his torn up voice. He sounded like he had been sick for ages.
  Wrapping his arm around me, he began leading me up the stairs to his apartment as he began to talk.
  "I'm so glad you came," he started. "Dabi is... Inconsolable. I don't know what to do."
  I cleared my throat and finally asked my burning question.
  "Keigo...Why? Why is Dabi acting this way? Why did he go ballistic at the club?"
  I felt his muscles tense, as much as they could with how weak he was.
"That's...something he'll probably tell you, (Y/N). But you need to steel yourself," he warned. "It's a really hard story to hear, and that's the biggest understatement ever."
  I shook my head and stood with Keigo in front of his door. "O-okay..."
  Keigo turned to me then and met my eyes with desperation.
"Please help him," he whispered. "I don't know what else to do."
  I nodded as best I could. Which wasn't really good at all.
  Hawks closed his eyes and opened the door, motioning me to his room. I followed his hand without a word, slowly slipping through the already cracked door. I couldn't help the soft gasp of surprise and fear that left me as my eyes took in the dim room.
   The room was a disaster. There were holes in the wall, accented by red splotches. Things were broken across the floor, and there were at least three plates of uneaten food on the table at the end of the bed. But the worst part about the entire scene was Dabi himself.
He was sitting with his back against the headboard, eyes watching me sadly. Four packs of cigarettes lay scattered around his stretched out legs, and he was holding a stuffed bear that had some wear and tear. I took a breath of relief when I saw Hawks feather still resting around his neck though.
  I carefully crept towards him, doing my best to not step on any glass. When I gingerly sat down on his bed, I did my best to ignore the burnt edges on his blankets. He wouldn't meet my eyes.
  "Dabi," I murmured.
His eyes squeezed shut as he held his teddy bear to his face to hide. I repeated his name and he slowly looked up at me. I didn't say anything else. Just simply held out my hand towards him. His lip quivered, and his poor soul broke. He took my hand and pulled me against him, openly sobbing against my shoulder. I never spoke. I simply stroked his midnight black hair and let him break down against me.
   We stayed that way for what must've been over an hour. Eventually, Dabi's body sagged against me and his soul wrenching cries were nothing more than soft sniffles. Mentally preparing myself, I looked forward to the wall as I asked Dabi what I had been dying to know.
"Dabi...I need to know what's going on. We're friends, right?" He didn't answer, only fiddled with his teddy bears ears. "Please, Dabi. What happened at the club? Why did you react that way? I know it was scary, but were scared, Dabi. And not for me. You saw Endeavor and something in your mind snapped. So please...Explain to me what's going on."
  He didnt speak for a long time. I opened my mouth to gently prod him again when he finally answered a question with one of his own. The tone of his voice when he asked sent shivers down to my fingertips.
   "How much do you actually know about Enji Todoroki?"

Hi loves ! A bit of a short chapter, but it's still happening ! There's a little surprise in the next one !
Much love !!🩵🩵

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