Permanent Collar

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I pulled into my driveway, feeling lighter than I had since I woke up the morning after the club disaster. I bit my bottom lip happily as I saw Shouta's car in front of mine, with him leaning against the trunk, smiling at me.
I opened my door and ran towards him, his arms immediately opening when he saw me quickly moving to him. He engulfed me in his arms, and pressed his nose to my hair as he grunted in happiness.
"There's my Fox."
I smiled as my hips began subconsciously moving back and forth, my mental tail wagging in delight.
He chuckled and gently tucked my hair behind my ears. "Keigo sent me a message, saying you had come to visit and you would be some soon. How was it...?"
I took his hand as he led me inside. I opened my mouth to tell him about my encounter with Touya, before a cold feeling shot through my stomach. As much as I wanted to, his coping and way of life were none of my business, and I knew I shouldn't be telling anyone. Even my Dom. If Touya wanted Aizawa to know, he would tell him in his own time. Or allow Keigo or me to tell him, if he found himself too embarrassed.
"Me and Dabi talked and I think..." I paused and gently bit my thumbnail of the hand Shouta wasn't holding.
"I think we're gonna be healing alot together," I murmured, feeling his fingers squeeze mine.
"I noticed you seem to be getting better," Shouta said as he opened our front door. "You're eating more. You don't flinch everytime you hear my footsteps, and I notice your eyes are calmer when we've been outside. Like you're not looking for..him."
I nodded absently as I took in his words. I had found parts of myself in healing from my attack. I had a more firm grasp on my identity as a Submissive. I had found a safe place in Touya and Keigo, when before I only had Shouta. Our Dynamic had only been going on for a little over a month, but through it I had become stronger. More sure of myself.
  A feeling of certainty and courage filled me to the brim as I stopped, tugging on Aizawa's hand.
"I need to talk to you. More specifically...I need to talk to my Sir."
  His eyebrow raised just barely.
"Well then..Come sit with me, darling."
He sat down on my couch, spreading his legs slightly. I raised an eyebrow of my own as I went to sit next to him, but his hand pulled me towards him, so I was standing between his legs. Shouta's arms went around my waist as he gently laid his forehead against my stomach.
  I smiled as I ran my fingers through his hair and I felt his shoulders relax.
"So," he began, slightly muffled against my shirt. "What's going on ?"
  A brilliant idea struck me at the last possible second and I tightened my stomach muscles so I wouldn't laugh, as I lied right through my teeth.
  "I met that student of yours on my way home today. Denki...Kaminari, I believe ?"
  Aizawa jerked away from me so fast it was like he had been shot. He looked up at me with fear and anger swirling in his eyes.
  "You did not."
I nodded and chuckled as I remembered the multiple stories I had heard of this kid. Shouta loved all of them dearly, but he came home more than once with a migraine because of that Kaminari teenager.
  "Did he say anything to you? OhmyGOD, did he say something perverted? I bet that stupid Katsuki was with him too. Tomorrow, I'm gonna-"
  I couldn't hold it back anymore. I broke out into outrageous laughter as he glared up at me.
"It's not funny!" he seethed. "That kid is-"
  I put my finger to his lips. "I'm kidding," I breathed out, wiping my tears from my eyes with my other hand. "I didn't meet Denki."
He eyed me suspiciously for a solid minute in silence, before he dropped his face back to my tummy in defeat.
"Don't do that to me," he groaned. "My heart can't handle that kind of strain."
I chuckled as he shook his head. "Okay, okay. I'm sorry."
  He huffed but stayed silent.
I ran my nails over the back of his neck for a few minutes quietly before I finally let it out.
  "I want a new collar."
Other than his shoulders stiffening, Shouta gave no reaction to my words.
  "I understand why you might be hesitant," I continued. "Before everything happened with Endeavor, my entire identity as a Sub revolved around being collared. Whether it was my own I wore before I met you, or the one you gave me to mark me as your own. I felt as if I didn't have a collar...It wasn't real. I wasn't a real Sub. I wasn't...anything.
"But I want one now, because I know better. I'm not lost without it anymore. I know myself better now as a Submissive, and even without a collar, I know I'll always be one. Having one just gives me tangible proof of our Dynamic, and makes me feel a bit more secure. Comforted."
  Shouta hadn't moved during my monologue one bit. After five minutes of deathly silence, I quietly finished off.
  "So...will you help me pick out a new one?"
His shoulders rose in a shakey breath. Without looking at me, Aizawa stood up and left the living room.
  I didn't call after him. I didn't even glare a hole in his back as he walked away. He would be back with some sort of explanation. I simply sat on the couch and folded my hands in my lap as I waited.
   I heard his returning footsteps and waited patiently as he stood in front of me. He wouldn't meet my eyes as he slowly pulled something out from behind his back.
  I raised an eyebrow curiously at the large black velvet box he had produced. His fingers slowly curled around the latch and he unveiled it to me, causing a mix of a squeal and a gasp to leave my lips.
  Inside the box was a necklace. No, it was more than that. It smelled of fine leather, a long black piece of it sitting comfortably. Along the neck strap, there were little emeralds, perfectly spaced out all the way around. And the centerpiece, drawing it all together, was a beautiful piece of onyx, cut into a heart.
  My eyes shot to Aizawa as he began talking, and I noticed tears had filled his eyes as he gazed down at me.
"(Y/N)...I got this for you before the night at the club. The night you told me about all of this, you were explaining collars, but left out a very important one. A permanent collar."
  My breath caught in my throat as my jaw dropped slightly.
  "'A permanent collar is something a Dom gifts to their Sub as an act of ownership. In the BDSM world, it's the equivalent to a-'"
"A wedding ring," I choked out.
  His finger crooked forward, motioning me to kneel in front of him.
I immediately obliged, staring up at him adoringly.
  "I know we've been together for...Hell, not even three months. But I know you, my love. I have no doubts that you are my soulmate. You're the one in destined to spend my life with."
His fingers gently carressed my cheek, before going down to grip my chin.
  "Will you be my official Submissive?" He murmured. "Mine to own, to pleasure, to protect, to love. Until the day comes where we both leave this world, and move on together to the next?"
  I reached up and grasped his forearm, bringing his hand up to my lips. My eyes never left his as I am whispered against the skin of his knuckles.

That's the last chapter everyone! Well, there will be an Epilogue, explaining what happened to Endeavor, but this is the end! I'm so sad 😭 BUT! THERE IS A NEW STORY COMING OUT SOON!!!! TWO ACTUALLY!!!
for updates, follow me on TikTok: that.angsty.cosplayer

Thank you so much for taking this journey with me
-Aurora 🩵

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