Showing Submission

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I saw his eyes widen and his mouth fell open a small bit. I watched him silently, letting him take it in. His girlfriend...In fox ears...and a tail...and a collar...
He stayed across the room from me, simply staring at me. His eyes moving between my ears, to my collar around my neck. I did a slow little turn to show off my tail swaying behind me. By the time I was facing him again, he still hadn't moved.
I decided to start explaining before he could say anything.
"So...I'm a Submissive. My archetype is Fox. I feel comfortable wearing ears and a tail. I like to have behind my ears scratched-" Before I could stop myself, I began to tell him everything
"I wanna be owned. I want a Dominant. I wanna be collared, and only belong to you. The collar I have on now doesn't represent anything, other than the fact that I'm a Submissive at all."
"Being this's what makes me happy. I feel safe. I feel COMFORTABLE with myself. I come home from work, stressed out, put on my ears and then...I feel like I can actually handle whatever it is that I'm going through. Sub Space is my shield. It''s my way of life."
At this point, tears were rapidly filling my eyes as I told Shoto everything I had kept to myself for the past month, so I closed them and continued with a trembling voice.
"I was afraid to tell you...This lifestyle, it's frowned upon. So many people make fun of it, or think it's weird, and won't have anything to do with it. I didn't know if you'd be one of them, and this last month has been amazing with you and I was so scared to give it up, but not telling you was driving me insane and I-"
Suddenly, my ramblings were cut off by warm lips against mine. I felt his hands on my cheeks, holding me so close to him, and the dam broke.
I pulled away from the kiss, and practically flung myself into his arms. The tears I had been desperately trying to hold back were now falling freely onto his shirt. My hands gripped the back of his shirt, as his arms went around me and held my head to his chest. I cried against him, to the point where it was hard to tell what I was even crying about. Relief so strong it was almost crushing that I wasn't losing him. Happiness that he seemed to genuinely accept me. Anxiety because he still hasn't said a single word. Guilt for keeping it from him for so long. On top of all of these feelings though...Was freedom. I had finally shown Aizawa the last part of me, and here he was, holding me to him. He finally knew all of me.
Slowly, the tears began to run out, and I was left a sniffly mess against his chest. He hadn't said anything while I got everything out. I decided I wasn't going to say anything until he did.
After a few moments, I felt his lips on top of my head , and his soft deep voice against my hair.
"My silly girl..."
I started, and he chuckled softly as his fingers slowly stroked through my hair.
"Thank you for telling me this. For SHOWING me. I know how much that must've took, and I'm so proud of you."
Hearing his praise, his deep voice, my ears immediately dropped in happiness, laying against my head. Praise Kink has entered the chat, I thought.
He pulled away just enough to rest his hands on my shoulders. "I understand why you didn't tell me at first. But I want you to understand this. I love you. I know we've only been together for a month, but I've known you for years. I know who you are as a person. I'm not going anywhere. I accept you, honey. I accept all of you. So please, if there is any other big things you need to tell me, don't wait. I promise I'll be right here to listen, and to continue loving and accepting you."
The feelings of joy, relief, love, and happiness were so overwhelming, I could only bring myself to nod up at him. His hand raised to my cheek and his thumb softly moved across it, wiping away any remaining tears.
"Now before anything else, I need to say this."
I saw the emotions in his eyes shift, and I knew his practical-teacher-hero side had taken over.
"I...I don't know anything about this. I can teach a bunch of idiot teenagers, and I can take down villains any day." I could hear him struggling, minorly frustrated. Aizawa wasn't used to not knowing things. "But... With this, I'm sad to say I truly have no idea what to do."
My head dropped at his words, and I felt my stomach start to knot. Of course he could accept me, but actually being apart of it...? I hadn't even thought about how to handle that issue...
Before I could get lost in my own thoughts, his fingers went under my chin, tilting my head back up to meet his gaze.
"....But that doesn't mean I'm not willing to try. To learn. This is how you live. What makes you happy. How you feel most like YOURSELF. And that's all I want. I want you to be comfortable with yourself, and me. I don't want you to hide any of yourself. This will take some getting used to. After all, I'm typically the one doing the teaching, not the other way around." He chuckled and I cracked a small smile.
"So here's what we're gonna do. We're gonna sit down. And you're gonna tell me everything. Things you like, things you don't. Things about being a Submissive, and things about being a Dominant. And we'll figure out a..." I saw him struggle for the right word. "Dynamic." I supplied. "A relationship between a Sub and a Dom is typically referred to as a Dynamic."
He slowly nodded, before looking down at me seriously, and asked softly, "I'm not saying I'll be good at it. But I want this with you. If you'll have me.
So...Will you allow me to be your Dominant?"
I threw my arms around him and squealed into his chest. "YES...!"
He smiled down at me and gently kissed my forehead. "Well then. Let's figure out our own Dynamic, shall we?"

Two Hours Later....
By midnight, I had showed him as much as I could possibly think of. I showed him the different types of collars and what they represented. I showed him the wishlist I had online of Submissive things, and explained the different types of Subs.
When we got to what a Brat was, his eyebrow went up and he looked over at me with a smirk on his lips. "Is that what you are...?"
I shook my head. "I like to be obedient to my Dom."
His fingers went up to gently grab my chin as he studied me, that maddening smirk still gracing his face.
My breath stopped and my eyes got wide. Before I could say anything, he stood up and held his hands out to me.
"Sweetheart, I really should be getting home. We can finish this next time I see you, okay?"
Unable to stop myself, I pouted a little. Laughing, he shook his head and wrapped me in his arms.
"I'll see you soon, my little Fox. I promise.
I felt him pull away, as his hand reached up to my hair. He nudged his head towards my ears. "May I...?"
I nodded excitedly, and his hand went up, slowly stroking the fur of my ears. I couldn't stop myself. I purred against his fingers.
They went lower down to the base, and he began to scratch behind my ears.
My knees went weak at the feeling.
Noticing my reaction, he chuckled and pulled away. "Okay. Ear scratches are a definite good thing. Good to know."
He took my hand and led me to the front door, before turning abruptly.
"One more thing."
Two of his fingers slipped through my collar, and he gave the slightest of tugs.
"I'm gonna need this."
My eyes widen and almost on instinct, I pulled back, my hands moving up to shield it from him. He pulled me back by it though, and looked down at me calmly.
"If I'm gonna be your Dominant, I need you to trust me. Okay? Nothing bad is gonna happen. I just need this for tonight."
I stared up at him, searching for any malicious intent in his eyes. After a solid minute, my hands went to the back of my neck and slowly undid the collar. I set it in his waiting palm, feeling naked and uncomfortable without it.
He gently put it in his pocket, before leaning down, his lips gently brushing against mine.
His fingers gripped my chin tightly, as he murmured against my lips.
"...I want you to address me as Daddy."

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