Dabi's Secret and The Ending of Endeavor

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My eyes were trained on the floor, as I forced my stomach to stay in place instead of coming up through my throat. Dabi had been silent for almost ten minutes, unwilling to meet my eyes. I couldn't stop the images that were flashing like lightning through my mind. Dabi as a kid, covered in bandages. His sister desperately trying to hold their family together. The fights between his brother and father. His youngest brother. His poor mother...
Eventually my thoughts turned on me and became memories of the club. This man, this woman beater, an absolute child abuser...Had tried to take everything from me. Suddenly, I felt an overwhelming feeling of selfishness. I had managed to get away. Enji hadn't destroyed me like he had Dabi.
You know that's not true, my mind whispered in my whirlwind of feelings. I shut my eyes tightly and logically thought through my feelings. Thinking that way wasn't fair to Dabi, or myself. Endeavor had taken something from both of us. He had destroyed Dabi more, but that didn't mean my pain, my torture wasn't real.
Once I had truly wrapped my head around the thought that this monster had put his hands on me, I couldn't hold it anymore. I blindly reached for a small trash can I had seen when I walked in Dabi's room, and buried my head in it while I puked my guts up. I barely registered the feeling of Dabi's hand gently patting my back while his other hand started to move my hair out of the can.
I'm getting really tired of doing this...I managed to think in a frustrating moment of clarity as I gasped for air.
Dabi let go of my hair as I straighted up again, coughing into my hands. I felt like I was on the verge of passing out, but I had so many things I needed to say.
As I thought of what words I could possibly say to Dabi, his soft voice broke through to me.
"When I saw Enji at the club, it was bad enough. To make it worse, he was assaulting someone, causing yet another person pain. Then when I realized it was you..." he whimpered and shook his head. "My body went off like a firework. I didn't think. I didn't even feel the pain my Quirk normally causes. I was acting completely on terror, and my whole being just...erupted." Dabi snorted and began fiddling with his teddy bears ears again. "But before I could get to you, or him, I heard Keigo's voice. Yelling at me to go get that teacher you're seeing." He took a deep breath and whispered into the head of his teddy bear. "I wanted to get to you...I wanted to get to him. I'll never tell a soul the things I've dreamed of doing to that man." I couldn't help the shudder that flew through my shoulders. As much as I liked Dabi, I knew there was something inside him. Something that if someone pushed just hard enough, would snap, and darkness would eat away at what was left of his soul. Not to mention his sanity.
I quietly watched Dabi's fingers play with his teddy bear, and I thought how sweet it was that the former villain still had something so sentimental. My eyebrows scrunched up as a feeling crept into my stomach, and eventually a shock went through me as I recalled something Dabi said to me the night we first met at the restaurant. We were talking about becoming subs. He had opened up to me for the first time about his story.
Regressing gives me the chance to process my shitty life without causing anymore hurt
He hadn't said a word about being a Submissive at all. I realized in that moment that Dabi was something else entirely.
"You're...You're an age regressor."
I began thinking out loud.
"Most commonly found in survivors of child abuse, it's when someone reverts back to the mind of a child to cope with trauma. Almost like a second chance at a better childhood.
Dabi finally looked up at me, and his blue eyes were shining with unshed tears. He gently laid his teddy bear in my lap and we both stared down at it.
"His name is Tomura, actually." I raised my eyes at him in question. Everyone in the world knew that name.
"Shigaraki took me in when I had no one else. I had just faked my death. Left my mother and siblings behind. My mind was broken. I had...nothing. And he saved me. I always said he was sort of the dad I never had."
My fingers softly went over the matted fur of the teddybear, and I smiled weakly. "That's a beautiful name for a beautiful bear, Dabi."
He chuckled softly and took the bear back into his arms. He began rubbing his eyes with his knuckles and my heart melted when I realized, he was beginning to regress right at that moment.
"Here...I'm gonna go get Keigo, okay? You look like you need a nap."
Dabi nodded and when I looked into his eyes, I almost cried in happiness. They weren't his eyes anymore. I was looking into the eyes of a little boy, who was healing, and needed someone. Who needed rest, and love. I smiled as tears filled my eyes and gently laid my hand on his cheek.
"I'll talk to you soon okay? Get some rest."
But before I could stand up, his hand laid on top of mine.
Sleepily, and in a voice much younger than his own, said...
"Touya. My name is Touya."
I hid my surprise and simply nodded, almost sobbing at the amount of trust he must have in me. Not only to regress in front of me, but to let me know his true name, who he really was.
As I left his room and softly shut the door, I turned and saw Keigo leaning against the wall. He had tears freely moving down his face. Before I could say anything, his arms shot out and he crushed me into his embrace.
Keigo pressed his face into my shoulder and simply sobbed the words, "Thank you...thank you, (Y/N)..." Over and over again.
The day had been filled with tears, and by the time I left Hawks place, the tears all of us had shed began to feel like glue. We were all gonna be okay.


Hi everyone ! Did anyone expect Dabi to be an agere? Anyway, one more chapter to go!

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