# dramatic flashback (a.k.a. coming out story)

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i remember when i first encountered the term "asexual"

it was a harry potter fanfiction
to be exact, it was a marauders instagram au
and the asexual person was frank longbottom (neville's father).

at first i was like "wtf is that" and didn't really understand it, cause our dear sexualized society had me thinking that everyone must have and like sex (and feel sexually attracted to people)

and then well, the asexual characters kept ... being there (because i kept reading fanfiction and fanfiction got ✨representation✨) and i understood it more and more and i thought "hey, that's actually pretty cool!"
buuuut i also thought "naaah, dat not me"
which was wrong

well for some months i just tried to avoid thinking about it and was like "ye, that's cool but cAn i ReLaTe?" and it was just ... the struggle of figuring out your sexuality i think

the first time i admitted to myself, that i'm asexual was sometime in the middle of the night. i was up, questioning my sexuality, as you do and then just-
stood up, got me some pencils, drew the ace flag and went: "yup, that's actually me"

lemme look, i think i have a pic

lemme look, i think i have a pic

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yes :,) my first ace flag

some weeks after that i came out to my friend (who had come out to me as bi so i figured that'd be safe) and she was just like "yes, i've thought that too!"

wait i did it over text (which i highly recommend, u can prepare what to say), lemme find the conversation-
me: "soo, i think i might be ace..."

[sent her some memes abt asexuality cause that's my coping mechanism for everything]

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[sent her some memes abt asexuality cause that's my coping mechanism for everything]

((i think it was pretty late so she didn't read it for some time and i was ✨anxious✨))

her: "Tbh I already thought that 🤔"
"The flag looks nice tho"

aaand we went on with the day, talking bout My Hero Academia

ye. this is longer than i expected.

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