someone's thinking about you

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so in germany when someone has hiccups (is that how u say it in english?) people say that someone else is thinking about that person

i think i've seen the same thing with sneezing somewhere?

well, whenever i have that my parents and my brother somehow go full-on shipping mode

they are convinced that there is a dude named "felix" in my class which isn't necessarily wrong but

well, they're also convinced (or fake convinced just to annoy me) that i have a crush on him which is necessarily wrong

but e v e r y t i m e i have hiccups? (is that how u say it?) they're like "ooooh!!! someone's thinking about youuuuuu!!1! is it a boiiii?? is it felix??"
(i think my brother convinced them that i have a crush on a felix even though he doesn't know anyone with that name)

it's kinda annoying tbh...

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