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so i've gotten the impression that it's a thing for alloromantic people to like...
long for a significant other?

i mean i wouldn't know

but like
people actually imagining marrying a person
or growing old with them or something like that

and literally imagining that person

recently i noticed that i have (had?) something... similar

see, i always thought that statistically there must be a person somewhere in the world that is so much like me


a person who's also a fan of harry potter
and a hufflepuff
a person who likes beethoven and greek mythology and poets like schiller and goethe
and who likes to read and likes cats (later on there also came beine ace and aro of course)

yanno just a person who is just like me

and who i would be great friends with

maybe like a sibling but you're actually nice to each other yanno?

and it just occurred to me some time ago that that is maybe what some refer to as a "soulmate"

but till then i've always only seen soulmates as something inherently romantic

and that didn't even come to my mind

so basically that imagining of a romantic partner - soulmate

i did do that
it only was in a completely platonic way

maybe should've noticed earlier that i was in fact very aromantic

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