✨compulsive heterosexual crushes✨

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who didn't have it
the "crush"

when i was in elementary school i read very much (still do, but i had more time back then...)

i read much fantasy
it's still one of my favorite genres
the problem is: there is a romantic subplot nearly everytime
and 99% of those are straight

to sum it up: i was completely sucked into heteronormativity

and yanno
everyone had crushes

a friend of mine even had a boyfriend
they knew each other from kindergarten
it was actually really cute

i thought (i mean, it wasn't really a conscious thought but-)
hey, everyone in my books and everyone around me is in love!
i must be in love too!

and then i just-
picked a boy and thought
"hey, i have a crush on him!"

obviously no one ever knew about this cause cRuShEs ArE eMbArRaSSiNg

i didn't really think about it, just everytime i saw that boy my brain went "hey we got a crush on him, remember?"

ultimately i ended up shipping him with a friend of mine in 4th grade, which was honestly much more fun

and years later my aromantic self laughed at me for even considering the option of a crush

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