[II] eR_0_rr_2

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Judy's POV

Seven years ago, I quitted smoking for good.

Quitted because I knew it was bad for me.

Quitted to make myself proud.

Today was the first time I've smoked in seven years.

A streak broken but what was I to do while my best friend could have been dead already? What was I to do except sit here in my apartment, rewatching old television shows that bring me some sort of comfort when my best friend is probably dead?

Smoke still lingering in my lungs as I take another drag trying to keep my mind off the worst case scenario. I was never an optimistic person, never.

"Bridgette is neuteralized and I got Evelyn." V responded after what seemed like an eternity of radio silence. "She's a bit roughed up but besides clinging to me like a bear cub, she's alright." I sighed with much relief, feeling like a huge weight was physically lifted off from my body.

"V, I owe you so much, oh my god. Thank you!!!"

"Be there in 'bout 15," an explosion sounded off in the background, followed by gunshots. "Actually 10." V laughed maniacally and hung up before I could even react.
Now the worrying came back as I lit up another cigarette and paced around my apartment, hoping I don't leave indents in the flooring.

"V"/Johnny's POV
Nothing screams Hellraiser quite like riding a motorbike through the bustling streets of N.C. with the feds on your six and a doll clutching your waist.


"I WON'T BE THE ONE DYING!!" I pulled the pin out of another grenade and tossed it behind me as I turned down an alleyway, exploding the cop cars into a firey metallic hell. Free from the badges, I pulled infront of Judy's apartment complex and carried Evelyn up the stairs. "You're safe now, Evelyn." I looked at Judy's door, knocking three times. "Juds, it's us."

No response.

I knocked once more, harder.

She opened to door, immediately focusing all attention on Evelyn. We walked her to Judy's bedroom, laying her down in the bed. She immediately crawling underneath the covers, hiding from the world and all who inhabit it.

"How...is she?" Judy asked anxiously, as if I was bringing her a dead body.

"Alive. She clung to me like her life depended on it when I found her, so scared, so broken...." I rubbed her back as I sat besides her on the bed.

"I doubt she'd want you'd to leave. I'll scan her, make sure everything's alright. I don't really mind you spending the night here, if ya want."

"Just gimme some smokes and booze and I'm alright. I'll crash on the sofa."

"Thanks, V. Let me do my biz," I nodded and left the room.

"I want my body back, Johnny!" I saw V's figure standing infront of me, eyes like daggers ready to cut me part.

"No can do, V. You've made your choice letting me in the driver's seat." I took a sip of some cheap vodka on the countertop as V paced around.

"You'll slip up. You'll lose control. Then I'm back in control."

"Or you'll be dead. I could just off yourself right now." I held the pistol to my head. "But the pseduos will eventually wear off, V." I lowered the pistol.

"Am I just a prisoner of my own mind and body until you say when?! AM I JUST A-"

Gunshots ringed out in the apartment. Bulletholes decorating the walls and blasting out the windows. I took shelter behind the kitchen sink as Judy's bedroom door flew open.

"THEY FOUND US," Evelyn screamed, clutching Judy's arm as mascara laced tears ran down her face.

"V, YOU GOTTA HELP US," Judy tossed me an assault rifle before picking up one herself. "I won't let them take her again." She turned her attention towards Evelyn, whispered something I couldn't make out before Judy looked back at me, finger on the trigger.

"Give us da doll, nobody has to die," Placide offered. "V, you killed Bridgette, our leadah. The least you can do is give us da doll."

"I rather eat lead," I pulled the pin out of a grenade before chucking it through the doorway. Blood splattered in the hallway as I saw his body drop to the ground. The rest of his crew took off running, not before I picked off a few of the bastards from the balcony window. "I'll go drag his body out back. Make sure girly is alright." Judy nodded as I left her apartment. I walked over towards Placide and scanned him. "Shit!" I pulled out my knife but it was too late. Two mantis blades sanked into my abdomen as Placide laughed manically. His body guard stood over my body as I fell to the ground, thrashing around in pain as blood escaped my lips.

"If...I go down," Placide coughed up some blood as he struggled to his feet, aiming his shotgun at my head, "I'm taking you....too...." His goon retracted their blades and grabbed me by my throat. "Flatline her."

"THINK AGAIN, FUCKERS," Judy shot the two dead, the goon dropping my body. I whinced in pain as she knelt beside me, holding me in her arms.
"V, it'll be okay. It's gonna be alright."

"On second thought, keep my body. I don't wanna feel this."


"I'm fine....just need," I groaned as I tried to sit up, only falling back into Judy's arms. "Fucking..."

"You're not flatlining on me! Not yet, not now...." Her mascara laced tears fell from her eyes onto my skin as I placed my hand against her cheek, trying to comfort her to the best of my current abilities.

"It's been fun....."

"V, don't-"

"I'm not saying goodbye for forever...just until...."

Relic Corruption, System Failure Immenient.

V: We are dead, aren't we?

Johnny: Possibly. Maybe.

V: I'm stuck forever with an eternity of blankness and you.

J: Why is that such a bad thing?

V: I could've been something...yet I was infected with you. And now we are both DEAD!!!

J: I lost everything once before. Losing it all again from your point of view isn't much else different. If anything, it was easier, less guilt on my soul knowing Evelynn's gonna slit her wrists out.

V: What?!

J: A doll with that kind of trauma, being used for her body and sold like cheap furiture at an auction house. I've seen it before. The broken souls of the human longing to escape.

V: We have to warn-

J: I'm not the brightest christmas light on display but I don't think dead people can talk to the living via text or phone calls. I doubt Judah-

V: Judy.

J: Whatever-has means of contacting the non-living.

V: The relic...why aren't we, I, you-

J: V, if I knew the answer to any of those questions, I'd answer them. But I'm a ghost in a corspe's head, talking to said corspe.

The two stayed silent for what seemed like an eternity before the echoing sounds of crying became audible

"V.....and now Evelyn......," Judy sniffled as she dialed for the emergency response team.
"Hello.....I need an ambulance right away, there's been two deaths....NO I CANNOT PUT THEM ON ICE YOU SICK FUCKERS! GET YOUR ASSES DOWN HERE AND-"

A/N: Wanted this to be a shortish chapter. Wanted to follow suit that Evelyn is no longer with us because the entire game of Cyberpunk 2077 is built upon loss and death and how we grow and do actions because of it etc etc. Poor Judy tho, I promise I'll make her happy soon. As for V and Johnny.....ummm you'll see....

~•Flatlined•~ [Female V + Judy]Where stories live. Discover now