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[48 hours later.....]




Oh, Johnny???


Fuck. Me.

Flatline Immient. Fatal Brain Error.

I'm dead.
Fuck my life.


There's nothing left for me anymore.....
Neon red ones and zeros filled the void. I looked down at my hands, materialized by nothing but the same binary numbers.
Death is just becoming code.

Dying means becoming nothing more than a digital code. I look around for Johnny. Maybe he knows what's going on.

"Johnny?!" My voice echoed in the empty headspace.


Nothing at fucking all. Out of the corner of my eyes, I saw a bianry coded figure disolving, its code scattering across the void.

"Johnny?" I felt an electric pulse in my head, taking me to my knees.
"Ugh...Johnny!" The scattered code swirled around infront of me, creating Johnny.
"Johnny." He took off his glasses, revealing voidless eyes.
"No....NOO!" The coded figure grabbed me by the throat.

"We've been searching for you, V," the figure's voice was distorted.
"Incapacitating you was the easy part. Now we're after you. And we won't stop until you and your little crew all flatline." The coded figure threw me further into the void before reappearing at my feet.
"You won't survive." I was grabbed once more, thrown further into the dark abyss of the void. My fingertips gripped the edge, holding on with all of my might. I looked below at the blinding light beneath my feet. Crimson coding evaporating upon touch with the light. 'Johnny' towered over me.

"This is where your story ends, merc. Good riddance." He grabbed my hand and tossed me into the blinding abyss.

Metallic crimson taste on my lips as I awaken, my toes numb and frostbitten. I sat up from the cold metal ground, my body bare of any clothing.

"Ffffffuuckkkkkk," I shivered as I searched around the freezer for an exit. I limped towards the door, throwing it open with what little strength I had acquired. A dozen or so Arasaka scientists stared back at me as I stood back to my feet.

"How? How did you survive?!," the bald man spoke aloud, astonished at me.

"I don't remember anything before waking up in a freezer."

"You've cheated death. You were pronounced brain dead seventeen days ago."

"That's impossible. How could have I be dead for over 2 weeks?" The man took off his glasses, revealing familiar voidless eyes.
"SHIT!" I took off running as the walls of the labaratory began to disolve into red codings as darkness crept around us.
My head pounded against my skull as blood poured down from my nose and eyes like a faucet. I wiped and wiped and wiped. It. Wouldn't. Stop.

"The hell is this nightmare hell hole I'm in?!," I panicked. My fingertips stained with my own blood as I walked around the dark void.
"Why am I here?!"

"Hey, V." Judy appeared behind me. I frowned.
"Why the glum face mamacita?"

"You're...not...real," the pain in my head became unbearable, bringing me to my knees. Judy walked over to me, cupping her hand around my chin.
"I'm dying...I'm not alive, am I....?"

~•Flatlined•~ [Female V + Judy]Where stories live. Discover now