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[Imma just say this now, this chapter is a headache and a half for me purely for their being 9 V's <and for some reason I decided 9 V's was a GOOD IDEA> so I apologize in advance if anyone else is just mindfucked this entire chapter 😅]

[Also TW/CW: Small mentions of abuse towards end of this chapter]

Buck-A-Slice pizza slid down my throat unsteadily but still, I wanted this. "Lets go meet your siblings, V." She nodded as she scarfed down the rest of her pizza. Nibbles meowed in protest to our leaving. "Nibbles says we can't leave." I joked. V chuckled as she rubbed behind the small creature's ears before carrying her in her arms.

"Nibs, if I bring you back a tunafish, can we leave?" The cat meowed happily as if she understood V before leaping onto the floor and scampering off. "Well, that was easier than I expected." The merc chuckled before refilling Nibbles' food and water dishes. "Got your iron?" I nodded as we left the apartment.

"How many siblings do you have?"

"Lets see. Violet, Valance, Vex, Vox, Vincent, Valkayrie, Vivian, Vel. So eight, at least I believe, they are the ones I know about."

"Eight merc siblings? Geez."

"We all started as mercs. Ya know, klepping cars and doing small gigs for a quick eddie. But as times changed, so did my siblings. Some became corpos, some chased the freedom of the Badlands, some became a rockstar, some just stayed mercs."

"Who'd you say is the most dangerous of your siblings?"

"Depends. Valk's the intellegent one but she's physically weak. Vox is pure endurance but his shallowness and ego fucks up alot for him. Vex has a clan behind him but not without pulling some strings with Scavs. Violet has corpos protecting her but without them, she's powerless. Vel's a sharpshooter but sucks at melee combat. Vincent is a merc like me but with the best monowire and cybertech available yet he's still getting used to his chrome. Valance...Valance just fuckin scares me. I'm pretty sure they're undead. Just splash water on them. And Vivian is one stealthy bastard. Her doll chip is both her strength and weakness." We walked towards her bike as we chatted. "Do you trust me driving?"

"I should say no but I wanna trust in my girl to NOT run over another street taco vendor."

"Fiiiiiiinnnneee. You're no fun."

"You sure seem like you were having fun fucking me-"

Valarie's POV

[30 minutes and one close contact with a street vendor later...]
"What should I expect?" Judy asked as she hopped off Jackster's bike. I exhailed unsteadily as I realised what was about to happen.

"A band of misfits, all different with their own quirks and looks. Just...keep the iron close, just in case." Standing outside El Coyete Cojo, I felt the pressure, the intimidation, the fear. "Haven't seen them since..." I let my sentence faulter into nothingness as the memories of my past started whirlwinding back to me.


"I'm alright. Just need some water." I walked ahead into the bar. It was steady, not crowded and not empty granted it being a Wednesday afternoon. Seven distinct individuals sat between three round tables, my eight weirdos. "Siblings, meet my partner, Judy." Everyone greeted her with waves and smiles.

"So, you finally settled down, eh?" Vex chuckled. Vex was the second oldest brother and a real nosy bastard. His exteremely freckled skin and heterchromatic eyes set him apart from most others. He was the only sibling who wasn't chipped, yet he has a robotic left hand from an incident with an ex that left him burned and scarred, literally. His dark brown wavy locs gentle casscaded down either side of his chocolate face as he twiddled a toothpick in his lips. "Didn't think anyone could ever cage the 'wild one'." I furrowed my eyebrows at my brother's words.

~•Flatlined•~ [Female V + Judy]Where stories live. Discover now