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Valkayrie's POV

There are moments you remember for a lifetime. Your first kiss, spending time with your childhood pets, telling your loved ones goodbye as they drift away from the mortal plane. Your first murder. The way his colour left his skin as you jammed the knife deeper and deeper into his neck. The sound of his lifeless corpse dropping to the ground and the smell of blood that was dried over underneath the floorboards. Or the rehearsed lies you utter to corpo bosses and policemen about your wherabouts during his demise since he was your business partner. Oh the lies, the many lies you'll tell.

"Who ticked you off about Valarie? Some abbandoned warehouse turned nomad camp in the industrial projects? Seems too bizarre to be true," I asked. Tbug gripped the steering wheel like her life depened on it, knuckles turning white as snow.

"An old choom told me of a tattooed beau meeting with the leader, Valarie's brother."

"And??? How does this tie into Val-"

"You ask too many questions for your own good." She bluntly replied. "You Marksmyths are one of a kind, that's for certain."

That's my last name.

"Stop the car!" I demanded. Tbug scoffed and stepped on the gas. I grabbed her pistol from the glove box and aimed it at her head. "STOP THE CAR OR I'LL FUCKIN OFF YOU!" Tbug glaired at me with bloodlust in her eyes as the spedometer reached 135 mph.

"Do it. Doesn't matter, Valarie's gonna die one way or another." Tbug smirked. "All you Marksmyths will perish, starting with you." Before I could react or even blink, the car was off the ground as glass shattered all around us. Everything moved in slow-motion as I saw the passengers in the car we hit eject from the windshield as blood dripped dowm the side of my face. Tbug sat motionless in her seat as her eyes were shut. I felt heat and in an instant time and reality finally caught up and a thunderous BOOM exploded into my ear drums as I felt fire tickle my skin. "Y-you're gonna....pay for this....in your own blood...." Sirens blaired in the distance as I scraped my way to my feet, covered in blood, glass and cuts. "Fuck...you..." I cocked my gun and aimed it at T-Bug.

"You lied to me. Brainwashed me into believing your lies about Valarie. You've Soulkilled me so many times....my body, my memory, my mind..." I exhailed as I clentched the gun firmly. "Where is she?! How do you know her?!" T-bug chuckled as she laid crushed between her seat and the airbags.

"Dex hired me, Valarie and Jackie for the Kompeli Plaza heist. Jackie died from his injuries, Valarie was off'ed by Dex with the relic in her skull and I made it out like a bandit alive. It wasn't until you Marksmyths came into my life did I ever have to fear death and subcumbed to death over and over. So what, you're gonna off me? Do it. You know I'll come back again and again and ag-" Gunpowder filled the air as a single shot fired off into T-bug's throat. The sound of her choking on her own blood in a bitter attempt for air filled me with renewed satisfaction.

I'm coming for you, V. I won't let you down this time.

Valance POV
Valance [Ghost/Ghosty/Undead] Marksmyth
Age: 22 Asexual Aromantic AMAB Nonbinary <They/Them>

"Errrr...shit," opening my eyes I find myself on the ground with Vivian and Vel on either side of me. "What....happened, fuck, my head....."

"You had a seizure. A real bad one," Vel spoke as they knelt besides me. "Don't know what triggered it, maybe just a malfunction with your hardware but I scanned ya, you seem fine moreorless." I laid on the ground just staring up at the sky, trying to find the strength to get up.

~•Flatlined•~ [Female V + Judy]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ