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I accepted the fact I was dead, in this head of mine. Johnny's "blood" was soaked onto my "skin", just a reminder that he was gone. For now at least. He always comes back, like a fucking boomerang. Why didn't I go see Vik sooner when these ill symptoms started? Why did I let myself get chromed by an amateur who spent almost every waking moment high? Wandering this dark planar coloured of blacks and dark purples mixed with blues pondering my life's choices until I saw glowing orbs floating in this void, sound emitting from them. Some of them glowed with arcanic colours of the rainbow, others sickly glowed white, giving off ill-fated energies and vibes. I grabbed a sickly white orb against my better judgement and stared into the object, seeing an old memory of mine.

"Vincent. VINCENT, LOOK AT ME WHEN I'M SPEAKING TO YOU, GODDAMIT!" Dad slapped me across my face as a very young me stared down at the pavement, couldn't have been older than four. "Look. At. ME!" He punched me harder, this time in my gut. Feeling sick, I dug my fingertips into the orb before throwing it away in a panic. Another memory flew towards me, glowing with a cyan aura.

"Welcome to Haven, where misfits have nowhere else to go, they come here." Scar was leading a younger me around Haven as everyone stared at me with ill-intent. Walking up a flight of stairs, we heard a gun sound off and I felt a sinking feeling in my gut. Scar raced up the stairs and gasped, covering her mouth. I raced up after her to witness the horror, a young kid not much older than myself, slumped over with a single bullet wound in their skull. A bloodied note laid in their left hand as the pistol smoked in their dominant hand. I tossed aside the memory as I felt a chill up my spine. More orbs filled this voidless plane, my arms capturing a sphere glowing violet with a brilliant sparkle around it.

"Your name's V?" Judy's voice spoke. Memory me nodded as she sat besides the tattooed beau at the bar. "What does the V stand for?"

"Nothing. Nothing at all." I spoke as I twiddled my thumbs, waiting for Mateo to finish up our drinks.

"How about Valarie?" Judy spoke up. A small smile crept its way upon my face.

"You're naming me, like a dog or sum?" I joked. Judy blushed a little before nodding.

"I think its cute but V will forever be your name. Just think of it as my nickname for you."

"I love it, Juds." This memory filled me with warmth as I stared out into the dark abyss, hundreds of hundreds more orbs appeared.  "Alright, where the actual fuck am I?" I let the orb go from my palms and walked through the sea of colourful orbs. A golden orb clocked me in my head before the memory played out.

"Vinc- Sis, here." Valkayrie handed a young tween me a purple dress. "Come on, let me do your hair." Valkayrie was the first person I told about being born in the wrong body. She didn't question me or denied my feelings but not having a replacement name for my dead name was a bit tricky. Why was this orb golden? What was the significance of the colours to the memories? I watched as the orb disappeared from my palms, the memory disappearing from my sights in a puff. Not a trace of it remained, the memory was gone as if it never even happened. Was it all a dream? I shook my head and let the orbs surround me, various colours sparkling in the darkness of my mind. Voices swirled and mixed with others as the memories collided before exploding and disappearing before I could identify any one of them.  The memories of my past began to fade away rapidly as the orbs no longer became visible. Am I losing my mind, my memories? Am I fading away? Who...am...I? Red streaks cracked the blackness of the void, out from a red rift came a small orb devoided of the arcanic lightning like the others. It was as black as ash, red streaks marking the orb as if it was cracked and nearly shattered. I carefully grabbed the orb and felt a wave of sickness overcome me, taking me to my knees. I saw myself in the orb but it wasn't me. She had dark, voidless eyes, bleeding crimson red down her cheeks. The beast glared at me, the blood trickling down her cheeks halting to a complete stop as she spoke in a demonic, altered voice of mine.

~•Flatlined•~ [Female V + Judy]Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora