[IV] _my_body_my_rules_ 4

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The monotoned alarm blaired in my ears, abruptly awakening me from my slumbers. I mumbled curse words at myself as I threw the clock against the ground, smashing it into pieces. My bed was cold and lonely as I saw Judy left sometime beforehand, leaving me a note.

"Left for breakfast. Be back soon. -J" I read loud before crumplinh the note and throwing it into the wastebin across the room before laying my head down once more.

"Rough night?" I adverted my gaze across the room at the glitchy ghost in my head. "By the look at ya right now, you look like you've been ran by the entirety of Clouds-"

"Fuck off, John boy." I groaned as I sat up in bed, deciding it was time to peel off these bloodied bandages.

"So....Judy, huh."

"It was nothing more than a wet dream. People have them all the time." I whinced as I removed the patches over my breasts first since they were causing me the most discomfort. "Why do you care? Don't you plan to kill me?"

"There's more to me than what meets the eye." I unraveled myself until I stood in nothing but a pair of boxer briefs and socks, my body covered in scars, blood, bruises and burns. "Same goes with you, moreorless." I rolled my eyes as I walked into the bathroom, gazing at myself in the mirror. Black and purple bruises over my ribcage. Four deep blade scar markings down my abdomen. Burns along my sides and my forearms.

"Fuck." I swallowed some pain killers to ease it all, looking back at Johnny, I popped another omega blocker and he vanished from my sights.

"V?" Judy's voice rang in my apartment as she unlocked the front door. "I got food."

"Not hungry." I mumbler as I continued to stare at my body as if it wasn't even mine at this point.

"V, you have to get something in your stomach besides pills." I grabbed a white muscle tank from my pile of laundry I refused to put away for days now and pulled it over my broken body, deeming it decent enough just to eat breakfast in. I left the bathroom to be greeted by Judy, wearing my favorite black leather jacket.

"A fan of my attire I see," I smirked. Judy shrugged before sitting down on my couch, patting the seat next to her. I obeyed and sat besides her, putting my feet up on the table.

"Didn't know what to get ya so I opted for the classic 2 eggs 2 sausage links 2 bacon strips and 2 toasts breakfast with some hot tea." My mouth salivated as she handed me my styrofoam container and cup. "Brunch burrito and coffee for me. Cheers."

"Cheers." I hesistated eating my food, looking at the wonderfully cooked meal. Judy had no problem diving into her burrito, salsa verde spilling onto her pants leg and crumbs spilling onto the floor.

"What's wrong," Judy asked as she licked her lips. I shook my head and sent her 400 eddies for the trouble. "You can talk to me."

"This body....it doesn't feel like my own. This isn't my body anymore, it's his. I...now, this, it's just my turn in it..." I sat my food on my table and looked up at Judy sipping her coffee, her eyes staring into mine intentively.
"I wanna take back some control, even if in the end, I do lose myself and become him, at least there will be a part of me that's me alone, not him."

"This is about Johnny?" She asked. I sighed as I took out a cigarette and lit it up. "What the hell happened at Kompeki Plaza, V?"

"Long story, too long for me to explain." I exhailed and looked back at Judy. My gaze wandered around her body, her tattoos specifically. Very pop punk design and very interesting little permanent inkings she had.
"I wanna get tatted. Maybe," I rubbed my sore shoulder. "Maybe some cyber implants. Racked up a good sum of eddies, might as well blow a few bands right?" Johnny at on my bed, smoking a cigarette.
"Why are you back?"

~•Flatlined•~ [Female V + Judy]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin