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"Why would the Voodoo boys be after you? Didn't we kill Bridgette and Placide?"

"Okay, maybe Malestrom because of the stolen bot?"

"V, are you a bit paranoid?" I frowned at my lover.

"I have every right to be. I died. I LITERALLY DIED, JUDY!!!" I huffed as I ran my fingers through my hair folliciles, whincing at the tenderness of the burns on my scalp, letting my dead hair fall off my fingertips

"I'll take a look at your burns," she stood to her feet and held of her hand, which I graciously accepted. She led me to our bedroom and I sat at the edge of our bed as she gathered burn creams, lotions, bandages, hair trimmers and ice.

"Didn't even realize how bad these burns were," I spoke aloud as I stared at myself in the mirror. My head, feet, hands and arms sustained second and third degree burns while my entire torso and legs sustained burns ranging from second to the fourth degree. The blackened charred fourth degree burned along my stomach scarred out the letter "J", what a wonderful reminder of the pain Johnny always causes whenever he takes over my body. I stared at the burnt hair of mine. Too far gone for recovery, too far dead. Judy walked infront of me with a pair of hair trimmers and cut off all of my hair. I frowned as I watch my thick locs fall to the ground.

"You're still as beautiful as ever to me," she kissed my cheek as she finished up.

"So, anything else happened while I was 'away'?" Judy sat besides me on the bed.

"I've just been trying to figure out how this happened. Who hurt you, who flatlined you. Panam....I tried to make things better but she had things happen so I've kept my distance," Jusy sighed as she rubbed the back of her neck.
"We were terrified. Losing you. Of you living. You finding out of this fucking kiss. She thought you were gonna flatline us straight up." I chuckled.

"I may be a merc but I do have a heart, somewhere in this chest."

"Can we just start over?" Be completely honest with one another about anything." I nodded and held out my hand.

"Name's V. I'm a Night City merc who loves alcohol, pizza, and horror movies from the early 2000's." Judy chuckled at my introduction as she shook my hand.

"What does the V stand for?"


"C'mon, what's your real name, V? You've never once told me. I know Valerie was a nickname I gave ya a whike back but c'mon choom." I sighed as I looked at Judy.

"Promise this won't change anything between us?"

"I swear on my mother's grave." I took a deep breath before looking Judy into the depths of her eyes.

"I was born a male. Name was Vincent. Never felt like a man, I knew since the start I was a woman. Started medically and surgically transistioning when I turned 18. Six years later, here we are."

"So why the name V?"

"I was running from my past. Growing up on the streets as a female proved to be......difficult. Even moreso as a trans female. Many people didn't take me seriously, many.....," I let my sentence float off into headspace.
"I was tired of my past but I was proud of myself. My own blood family rejected me when I was born so growing up in the streets of Heywood, gang life was what I was raised into. The "brothers and sisters" that raised who are no longer with us, they accepted me, gave me the name "V" to stand for nothing but myself, my identity, my legacy. And that's what I'll always go by." Felt like a huge weight was lifted off my chest as I exhailed. Judy intertwined her hands with mine.

~•Flatlined•~ [Female V + Judy]Where stories live. Discover now