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Bailey woke up the next day and got out of bed as quietly as she could, 10K didn't have to go to work until later for his shift and she wanted him to get his rest. He shifted a bit with his eyes still closed and mumbled 'Have a good day.' Before rolling over and burying his face into his pillow. Bailey smiled and patted his shoulder gently, bending to whisper in his ear.

"I will. I'll see you later for dinner." She said and he nodded, it wasn't long before she heard him softly snoring again and knew he'd fallen back to sleep. She got ready quietly, throwing on a pair of jeans and a hooded sweater. It was knit and was three colors, blush on the top, grey in the middle and white on the bottom she wore a white cotton shirt with long sleeves under it, threw her jean jacket over it all and headed to the supply building. The snow from yesterday hadn't been much but it had left a fair dusting along the ground though Bailey could still see the green grass poking up from the speckled white. She made a mental note to get a thicker jacket, maybe one like 10K had, when she got to work that day. She knew they had coats and knit hats and gloves, scarves and blankets but she wasn't sure if it would be enough and it surely would be in high demand today. Old Frontera was the outpost that had farm animals like sheep and goats and they usually would ship the wool over to the Inlanders who would turn it into actual clothing and fabric. The Inlanders outpost was also the place every other outpost was meant to send their torn beyond repair clothing for patchwork. In the apocalypse you couldn't take anything for granted and they tried to throw out as little as possible. The problem now was after Estes had planned those bombings Old Frontera hadn't been exporting their wool or crops. And High Plains, the other outpost with livestock, hadn't been able to export what they got from the animals like honey and milk to make cheese and yogurt so even something as critical as food might be in short supply now too.

When she got to the supply building there was already a line out front and she went in the back entrance where the workers got in before opening in the morning. The few who were already there had started pulling out winter clothing and had laid it all out on the front tables.

"There's not enough." She heard Katie say, "We can maybe cover half of the citizens in Altura, maybe."

"Bailey." Annie said when she saw her come in, "What do you think? We'll have to find some way to regulate what we have while we wait for more supplies to get here."

Bailey made her way over and looked at what they had in stock. Her mind quickly filed through all of it and the ratio of citizens they supplied. "Alright, blankets get divided among the elderly and children first. Coats will go to the people who have jobs that keep them outside, they'll be priority. What's left of the coats plus the hats, scarves and gloves will go to whoever is left without anything. I know the guard detail is getting together to collect firewood from the forest so that'll be how we keep the houses, dorms and trailers warm after sunset when we have no solar power. It's going to be tough, but it could be much worse. When people come in tell them to hang in there. We'll get through this."

"I like those words." Came a voice from behind her and she turned to see George and Warren who had just come in the back. Bailey turned and nodded at the other workers who started dividing up the supplies and getting ready for the wave of people who would be rushing in the moment they unlocked the front door. Bailey turned back to George and Warren who were at the back of the building behind all the rows of supplies. They smiled at her as she approached but the closer she got she could see the worry in their eyes, they had the same concerns she had about their rations.

"Hey George." Bailey said giving a small smile, "Warren."

"Looks like the snow has you worried too." Warren said.

Fracking Apocalypse - a ZNation 10K/Tommy Fanfictionحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن