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"So what do you know about this bakery?" Warren asked Addy as they exited Limbo out the back where Murphy had a car and a couple of ATV's.

"Supposedly it's where they bake the bizkits." The red head replied.

"So why the big mystery around these bizkits anyway?" Murphy asked now wearing a black leather jacket over his red suit.

"Nobody likes to talk about the fact that they contain human brain matter." George replied.

"Well where they getting the brains from then?" Murphy asked.

"No one knows." George shrugged.

"It's time we find out." Warren said as Addy laid a map of all the outposts on the hood of Murphy's car.

"Brain bizkits?" 10K asked with Doc to his left and Bailey to his right, "How is this not your idea Murphy?"

"Laugh it up stump boy." The red man replied, "One of these days this apocalypse is going to make me a rich man."

"The bizkit bakery is on the edge of the no go zone." Addy told them.

"Not the type of place that welcomes visitors." George added also knowing the area well. She had, after all, been here longer then any of them.

"Let me point out a few obvious red flags." Murphy said resting his shoe on the front bumper, "Backwood yokels, secret brain bakery and I'm sure I hear banjo music in our near future. Need I go on?" He counted on his fingers as 10K and Doc fist-to-wrist bumped since Warren was having them split up again. Doc was going to drive George back to Altura to make sure Dante got a fair trial while the rest of them were going to take the ATV's and go find the bakery. Addy got on one to drive and 10K got on behind her, seeing as her only other option was going on the ATV with Warren and Murphy Bailey opted for the one with Addy and 10K.

"Hold on tight back there Bailey." Addy teased.

"Drop it Addy." Bailey said getting on behind 10K, "We've got work to do."

"Oh come on, like you two didn't have a romantic little reunion back in Altura already?" Addy said still in a light tone as she turned around smiling at them. Her smirk dropped when she saw the serious looks on both their faces.

"There's a bit more to it than that." 10K said, his voice dull and Bailey mouthed 'Red' from behind him where only Addy could see. She seemed to understand and turned back around and revved the engine. Bailey leaned forward and wrapped her arms around 10K's middle holding onto him tight so she wouldn't fall off. She buried her face into his shoulder blade a bit embarrassed after Addy's comment but luckily the roaring engine meant there was no room for awkward conversation.


When they got to the bakery Warren had them park on higher ground so they could scope the place out from afar before they moved in.

Fracking Apocalypse - a ZNation 10K/Tommy FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now