S3E12: Part 1

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S3E12: Part 1


"This is Citizen Z. Do you copy?" he heard CZ over the radio as Doc locked himself in the small broadcast room. Why did he attract the crazies these days? First Nurse Retched, then Ma and Pa Kettle and now three cannibal women. He had to get out of there and meet back up with Addy, but not before he made contact with Citizen Z. He fiddled with the wires of the radio working as quickly as he could, "This is Citizen Z at Camp Northern Light. Does anybody copy? This is Citizen Z at Camp Northern Light. Does anybody copy? This is Citizen Z at Camp Northern Light. Does anybody copy?"

"Citizen Z this is Delta X-ray Delta, do you copy?" Doc said when he thought he'd gotten it back online.

"Doc? Hey man! Weak signal but I copy. Dude you're alive!"

"Yes I am. At least for now." He said looking nervously to the locked wooden door of the small radio tower.

"I've been looking for you guys for months where are you?"

"I can't talk long. I have an emergency message you need to relay to Warren. Lucy has been kidnapped by the Man. I repeat. Lucy has been kidnapped by the Man."

"Lucy. The Man. Kidnapped. Copy. Uh, where are you? And where's Lucy?"

"Addy and I are in pursuit. I'll contact you as soon as I know more."

"Open the door!" one of the women screamed as they banged on it from the outside.

"Where's Warren?"

"She's headed to Spokane to stop Murphy. But this changes everything."

"Come on Doc. We're all friends here." Another one of the cannibals said.

"Contact Warren. Tell her about Lucy, she's the only one who can stop the Man."

"Copy you. Doc are you okay?"

"I'm getting angry." The first woman said as the door began to crack.

"Doc? Doc, you're scaring me. Over."

The cannibal women kept pounding at the door and he had nowhere to go as he frantically looked around. Then it hit him and he looked up where the radio tower stuck out of the roof.

"Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their species." He said as he began his climb. He went all the way to the top and looked below him, he had a good half dozen zombies at the bottom of the tower and the ladies had given up on breaking down the door and had sat themselves down for an afternoon tea. Then he noticed that if he went high enough – and if he was crazy enough – he'd be able to knock the tower over their fence and be out in the field where he could run free. He began to kick at one of the cables holding the tower upright. When it broke he was able to swing his weight back and forth until the tower creaked and fell over.

"Peace out bitches!" he called as his insane plan worked and he was able to escape. Now to find Addy.

Warren POV

She led her Red Hand through Spokane to one of her old lookout sights with a clear view of Murphy's compound.

"Look at those poor people." She said looking through her scope. "Mind controlled by a half zombie sociopath. No better than zombies themselves."

"Being safe or being afraid is an easy choice for most." Sun Mei said.

"A person without fear ceases to be a human being." Hopper said, "Fight or flight man. It's what propelled us out of the primordial ooze."

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