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Bailey was tossing and turning in bed trying to find a comfortable position with her large belly. She was just in the fifth month of her pregnancy and was now starting to feel the baby move. It was one of her favorite parts of pregnancy, except at night when she was trying to sleep. She huffed as she fell back against her pillow and brushed her bangs out of her face and tucked them behind her ears. The rest of her hair was in two braids that ran down the sides of her head. They ended at her collarbone now, since she'd cut her hair about a month ago taking at least three inches off. From her past experience with TJ she knew how much babies liked to grab and pull hair and with a toddler and an infant in her future she figured she do herself a favor and chop it now. Tommy had liked the new length, and he would run his hand through it when they were lying in bed or he'd play with the shorter ends.

"Can't get comfortable?" Tommy's groggy voice asked from beside her, half his face buried in his pillow. She hadn't realized she'd woken him up and tried to shimmy so she was still on her back but now propped up on a pillow.

"Baby can't get comfortable." She said miserably, "I swear he or she must be practicing somersaults in there."

10K moved, shifting so he was further down the bed as he rested on his right forearm and brought his left hand to rub over her stomach.

"Hey Little K." he whispered against the bump using the nickname they'd chosen for all their babies until they were born. "Don't keep Momma awake all night. It's a big apocalypse out there and she needs her rest to be at her best for us okay? Try to settle down for her."

He rubbed her stomach for about five minutes longer as the baby calmed down, liking the soothing touch. Every now and then Tommy would hum a little which helped not only put the baby to sleep but Bailey too as she nodded off and her head hit the pillow.


"Hello all." Came CZ's voice over the radio in their apartment, "It is currently 9:15 am on the third day of the sixth month in the year 11 A.Z. The weather is 77 degrees, expecting some cloud coverage later in the day but sunshine in the week ahead. To my fellow Newmerican citizens, good morning. To those outside of our post-apocalyptic country good morning to you as well. We are broadcasting on all frequencies, some nobody knows about. As always, if you have any way to communicate, any way at all, you've got short wave, long wave, dark wave, broadband, xband, two coffee cups and a string, even smoke signals! I will hear it from lovely Altura here in Newmerica. And as always, Newmerica is glad to serve as your beacon of hope in this world that is slowly rising from the ashes. If you need help please, seek us out. If you need help getting here send a signal and we will do our best to reach you. Now we have a few announcements today. All supply trucks are on schedule. Farming production is up. The TreeDwellers Outpost had a minor lumberjack incident putting three men out of work, though no one was seriously injured. They are looking for any able bodied man or woman who would be interested in helping them out in the meantime to please contact them by radio correspondence. The Islanders are looking for volunteers to start a new. . . "

Bailey then tuned out as she worked on breakfast. 10K and TJ had already eaten and Tommy was going to drop him off at school on his way to the gate for his shift that day. Bailey still worked at the supply and storage building but they'd told her she could start coming in a little later, to give her some peace in the morning, especially since she was starting to get that little waddle in her walk, though thankfully she wasn't looking like a penguin just yet. Her pregnancy wasn't the only thing that had been going on either. In the past few months Warren had decided to go away to spend some time with Cooper on his farm. George had not only approved her leave of absence but had encouraged it, telling Warren everyone needed a break from the apocalypse in one way or another. And she wasn't the only one who had gone on a well deserved vacation, Doc had also left to visit Kuruk at the Waterkeeper's Outpost; now that a few years had passed and many of his patients had a good grip on managing their PTSD and anxiety it allowed Doc to have a bit more free time again. Red was still their head doctor and sometimes Doc would step in and give her a hand if she needed it but she'd taken to her duties in the medical field very well and was constantly asking for more medical books from Pacifica to read so she could learn more.

Fracking Apocalypse - a ZNation 10K/Tommy FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now