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Third Person POV

"How did Warren get a gun?" Bailey asked.

He shook his head, "I don't know, I don't care. I have it it's just. . . I'm not sure when to use it."

"You can't." she said almost hysterically as she scooted closer to him on the couch and grabbed his shoulder. Now he looked confused as his dark brows wrinkled in the middle. Bailey took a few deep breaths to calm her hysterics as she explained, "You can't take all of them out with one handgun and any move you'd make would give yourself away. If Estes finds out you have a gun he might actually kill you this time. He's been threatening it enough."

"I can make a difference Bailey –"

"Estes knows that. He knows how vital you are to Altura. He knows what an asset you are, how good you shoot. That's why he keeps threatening your life. He knows George won't risk you."

"George isn't going to risk anyone. You know that. She's going to try and save everyone, it's who she is."

"We both know the reality is Estes won't let that happen. Eventually George is going to have to make the tough choices."

He took a deep breath again, "Which is why we might have to take it into our own hands. . . well. . . " he held up his one hand and his antler prosthetic.

She gave a heartless chuckle and turned away looking back at the scribbled on napkin. "There has to be a way to figure out that code."

Determined, she put her brain to work, she knew somehow she could crack that code. It might drive her crazy but she wasn't about to give up until she'd exhausted each cell in her brain. If she just kept at it maybe something would come to her.

"You're not listening." Tommy muttered and leaned back against the couch again. "There is nothing in my past with Murphy that can help us. No codename. No person. No group that is seven letters."

What meant the most to Murphy in the world? At one point it was Lucy. Maybe even now, Bailey knew from her own time as a parent that losing a child would be the worst thing in the world. It was the one thing she felt she'd never recover from, if TJ or Charlie weren't in her life anymore. . .she'd never get over that. No matter how heroically they'd died.

Then, like having a bucket of cold water dumped on you, something in her head clicked.

"Lucy." She muttered and Tommy brought his hand to his face and rubbed his closed eyes.

"That's four letters." He pointed out obviously.

She grabbed his thigh and he lifted his head, first looking at her hand on his leg then up at her, "But Lucinda isn't."

His eyes widened pulling off a shocked expression that only 10K could manage.

"It's perfect." She went on, "She is the only thing Murphy ever cared about other than himself and it's perfect, it's genius. No one would think of Lucinda, the answer is hiding in plain sight. That has to be it."

Tommy nodded and turned away from her looking at his lap. She could see something in his green eyes and a knot formed in her stomach.

"What are you planning?" she asked nervous about the answer.

Tommy took a deep breath and looked up at her, "I love you –"

"Don't." she warned him, "Don't try and start pouring your heart out like you think we're not going to live."

He chuckled with a small smile that made little lines crinkle at the corners of his eyes adorably, "You're brave. You're frustrating, you complicate my life. . .but you make every moment worth living. And I love you for it. You make me laugh, you're strong, you're my heart. I know how empty my life is without you in it. And. . . and once Kaya opens the door and Estes gets the code things are going to start moving fast. And I need you to run –"

Fracking Apocalypse - a ZNation 10K/Tommy FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now