S8E01: Part 1

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A/N: Hi everyone! Kind of a bittersweet moment here because as excited as I am to start season 8 it is, sadly, the final season for my story. I'm so grateful for all the love and support you all have shown me, Bailey and this fanfic. I do have plans to write maybe one or two more Z Nation stories (with a different OC, not Bailey) but it won't be for a while since I want to take time to complete some other fandom works that have been on the back burner for a bit. Then of course there are the stories for the new fandoms I have fallen victim too. I have a list on my profile, so if anything interests you be sure to follow me so you don't miss out! I hope you enjoy the final season!

S8E01: Part 1

Murphy POV

Four years went by before Murphy had a cure that worked. He smirked as he peered into the microscope and looked at the combination of 10K's antibodies, the cells of Sun Mei's vaccine in his blood and Gene 47 all cooperatively mingling in a little glass slide. Then he moved to the other microscope, the one with a small sliver of Sun Mei's brain tissue on it which had the same image of what he'd just seen on his slide.

"Perfection." He said quietly to himself, "Absolute perfection. And it's all mine."

"I think you mean, ours." Kurian spoke up from where his head sat on a pillow on another desk watching Murphy with that same bored expression on his face. Murphy huffed and stood before rolling his eyes and turning to Kurian with a smile.

"Of course, doctor. How could I forget all your hard work."

He tucked his napkin in his collar as he took his fork and knife in his hands and sat down to his daily dose of Sun Mei Brain. He had been eating it slowly, chewing carefully to savor it and made sure to instantly write down everything each morsel supplied him. Resting his knife back on the table he picked up a pen, clicked it and began writing as he chewed and swallowed.

"Well?" Kurian's voice called from across the room where he was looking up from the notebook that was propped in front of his face.

"Patience." Murphy scolded with a wag of his finger, "Good things take time."


"Mmmmm." He hummed in pleasure closing his eyes for a long moment before opening them again, "I was right. Sun Mei did reconstruct that vaccine she used on 10K. She examined it for the things that triggered his heart to restart."

"So now we at least know what we're looking for in the pint of his blood you stole."

"Borrowed." Murphy corrected.

"Oh? Are you intending to give it back?"

"Fine, I stole it. Happy?"

"Immeasurably." Kurian replied sarcastically, going back to reading the notebook. "Finally some progress after so many of your meals ending in useless information."

"What do you want from me? Sun Mei kept knowledge of all her failures as well has her success. Something about the scientific method and learning things from the how and why of failure. Annoying." He said dabbing his mouth with his napkin before he muttered, "Like all scientists."

Kurian didn't hear him or see the sly glance he sent his way. But Murphy took a deep breath and went back to his meal taking another bite. Kurian was vital to his success he reminded himself. How many notes had he been able to discard because Kurian had been able to sift through them and tell him what was related to the cure and what wasn't. Sun Mei had more vaccines in the works for various illnesses, not just the zombie virus. So working through what equations went with which vaccines had taken a good chunk of time. He needed Kurian, for now anyway.

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