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The news about Estes' escape put the Waterkeepers on high alert but now that their tribe was united they had enough humans and Talkers to guard the perimeter of camp and search the land so they were certain that Estes was not in their territory.

"Our land is safe, why is that not enough for you?" Kuruk asked Ayalla as they got into another debate. Doc was nearby in the tent crushing herbs for salves Kuruk made for her people and was doing his best to stay out of their discussion.

"Because if Estes, or any other threat comes to Newmerica we should help everyone!" Ayalla argued. She believed that since they had the resources they should send people out in search parties like the other outposts were; help comb over more than just their territory. "The last time trouble happened in Newmerica we were almost run off our land by zombie bombers. If George and her people hadn't shown up the dam would have burst, our tribe would have stayed divided and we would have been run off our land again."

Kuruk gave a sigh and paced around the tent, Doc knew that she knew Ayalla had a good point. Ayalla strongly believed in George's words 'United We Stand. Divided We Turn.' It was hard to argue with those words, after all, they brought a whole new nation together.

"Look, I understand wanting to help others. But I just don't want to risk our people." Kuruk said calmly.

"Well I'll go." Doc volunteered making the two strong willed women turn to him. "I'm not one of your people, and you know I'm no threat. I can go and check for any signs of funky activity."

"Doc, you'd do that?" Ayalla asked looking touched.

He shrugged. "Sure. I mean, you've got a damn good point. We should at least check to make sure everything is good."

"I'll go with you." Kuruk chimed in.

Ayalla turned and smirked at her, "I thought you didn't want to risk our people?"

"I don't. Which is why I'm against sending people out there. But no one is sending me, I'm choosing to go."

"Alright, the more the merrier." Doc said with a smile. "But where exactly are we choosing to go?"

Ayalla pulled out a rolled up map of Newmerica and spread it across the table in the middle of the tent.

"Well northwest of us is Tundaria, and to the south is Heartland. West is Altura and East is the Brewers."

"What about Northeast?" Doc asked.

"There's only one outpost, the Rangers. But it's no man's land. George was going to use it as Newmerica grew and we needed more space."

"Sounds like a good hiding place to me. And if no one else is up there to scout, it could pay off to check it out. Kuruk and me can head out that way, bunk down there a few nights and make sure the surrounding area is good."

"No one has been there in at least three years when Newmerica was just getting started. You shouldn't find any trace of humans there, if you do radio back and tell us and I'll let Citizen Z know to send more people to scope it out." Ayalla said passing him a radio.

"Right on." Doc said smiling as he put on his round sunglasses ready to roll.

Addy POV

Addy was brought back to the room she'd started in about an hour later - if she had to guess the time - and again was dragged by the chair she was tied to. 10K was still there restrained and had his head down so his messy dark hair was covering his face meaning she couldn't see him that well. Two of their kidnappers brought her chair a bit further from him this time but at least they were facing each other now. Then the guards left and Addy tried to get 10K to look at her.

Fracking Apocalypse - a ZNation 10K/Tommy FanfictionWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu