S2E07: Part 2

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S2E07: Part 2

Third Person POV

"Hey, hey, hey." 10K said as he turned and grabbed her helping her stay upright, "You okay?"

"Yeah." She said sounding out of breath from the run, "Just got a little dizzy for a minute." But as she'd been talking 10K had already started checking her for injuries, then his eyes caught the large red stain on the bottom of her right pant leg. Moving his hand from hers and taking her arm he helped her sit down as Sketchy and Skeezy stopped up ahead noticing the other two had fallen behind. 10K pulled up her pant leg gently and found a long red gash starting at her ankle and running a couple inches up her leg.

"Bailey when did this happen?" he asked and it took her a minute to answer, her eyes looking like it took some effort to focus on his question.

"Maybe in the river." She said and he swore in his head, "I felt a tug, I thought it was a Z but I guess it could have been a branch or sharp rock or something."

"It's bleeding slowly but you'll probably need stitches." He said examining it. "And it's probably already infected." He said thinking of how filthy the river water was without being filled with Z's. He bit his lip as an image of Cassandra's infected leg came to mind, he couldn't let that happen to Bailey, he just couldn't.

"Doubt you'll find antibiotics way out here kids." Sketchy said as he moseyed over, "This is a sad turn of events." He said bringing his hands to his hips and looking at the ground shaking his head. Bailey rolled her eyes at his display having had her fill of Sketchy's flare for the overly dramatic, "Best to give her mercy now rather than suffer. I like you Hawthorne but it's a sad fact of life. When you've got a lame horse you put it down -"

Before he could finish a speech Bailey was sure would have been worth an Oscar 10K stood up and aimed the last shot in his gun at Sketchy's head. Both men raised their hands defensively as Bailey reached out and grabbed 10K's left wrist trying to pull him back down.

"10K." she said but he didn't move, only kept the gun in his right hand aimed at Sketchy. Then after a tense moment passed he lowered the gun and tucked it back in his belt as he crouched by Bailey again.

"Get on my back." He said and Bailey hesitated, then 10K turned his head slightly and she saw the look in his green eyes, he wasn't going to take no for an answer. She reached up and wrapped her arms around his neck as he lifted her and grabbed her legs as he piggybacked her the rest of the walk. Sketchy and Skeezy kept their distance as they tried to find a good campground for the night.

She moved her hands so they were holding onto his shoulders so she wouldn't choke him as they walked. She couldn't help but let her fingers run along his skin tracing down the muscle of his bicep.

"Bailey." He said like he'd caught her doing something wrong. She smiled resting her head along the curve where his right shoulder met his neck and she was happy Sketchy and Skeezy were walking far enough ahead that they wouldn't hear any conversation she and 10K had.

"What?" she replied her tone playfully innocent, "I like how you cut the sleeves off your shirt." She said and she saw his cheek lift as he smiled. She leaned in closer and whispered in his ear, "I like seeing a bit of your chest too." She said as she ran her fingers in the loose hole that was once his sleeve and barely skimmed the muscles of his chest with her fingertips. She felt him shiver and she kissed the side of his face near the freckle he had just above his jaw and giggled when she saw that his face had gotten as red as the bandana on his head.

"You might have lost more blood than I thought." He said deciding to chalk up her flirty behavior to her injury making her chuckle.

"So in your mind a girl must have severe blood loss in order to compliment you?" she asked and he chuckled.

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