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10K ran back through the woods to where their tree tent had been but when he got there he found nothing left but a few pieces of the tent shredded and hanging from the branches; the floor, the rest of their gear, it was all gone. He thought he heard someone calling him, Tommy, Tommy, and he ran in the direction of the voice.

When the trail went cold he started making bird calls he'd practiced with Red in case they got lost or were in a tight spot and needed to signal for help. He raised his hands to his mouth like in a double fist and waved his fingers as he blew air and a high whistle like a bird came out. As he waited for a response his mind bombarded him with a memory he thought he'd buried a long time ago.

5K went back to practicing with the slingshot and Red joined him clearly not wanting to ever be far from her brother, which left Bailey alone with 10K.

"So. . . listen." He began nervously and she quickly interrupted keeping her eyes on 5K and Red.

"Do you think she really understands when he caws and claps his hands like he was doing before?" she asked and 10K stuttered not having been prepared for her to change the subject.

"Uh, yeah I guess so." He finally replied.

"Secret code. It's clever." She said impressed and nodding as she watched the pair. 10K smiled at the ground and Bailey caught his out of place expression.

"What?" she asked.

"Nothing, it just. . . reminded me of when I was a kid. When I'd be outside or by the lake and my mom wanted to call me in. . . she'd use bird calls."

"Bird calls?" Bailey asked.

"Yeah, you know like. . ."  and 10K demonstrated by raising his hands to his mouth and moving his fingers as he blew air and a high whistle like a bird came out.

"Damn." She said as he lowered his hands, "I can't even whistle."

"Well maybe I can show you sometime." He offered.

"I'd like that." She said smiling.

Then he was pulled from his thoughts as he heard the voice again, Tommy, and he followed it. He couldn't lose Red like he'd lost Bailey.


Lucy was terrified in the back of the black SUV while the solider from Zona drove. She tried getting out of the zip ties that restrained her until suddenly a bullet went through the windshield and struck the man in the head killing him instantly. He bent over the steering wheel as the car picked up speed. She grabbed the seatbelt and braced for impact. In the next second the car hit a tree and crashed. She sat up as someone opened the driver's side door and the driver's body fell out, then her door was opened by someone very familiar.

"Dad?" she asked, Warren was with him too and she was a platinum blonde now. They helped her out of the zip ties and she got out of the car conflicted about seeing her father again as she turned her back to him.

"Hey." He moved to stand in front of her.

"Hey." She replied a bit stiffly crossing her arms.

"I didn't know you were alive." Murphy said with a small smile.

"Yeah well. Now you know." She replied shortly making the moment more awkward.

"You've grown."

"Yeah it happens, regardless of whether you're there for it or not."

Fracking Apocalypse - a ZNation 10K/Tommy FanfictionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora