S8E06: Part 2

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AN: So. . . . . it's been a looooong time. So sorry. My motivation to do anything dropped to zero and I'm still having trouble getting back in the pattern I used to have. However, this week I was amazed when I checked my wattpad app and found that in just a little over 24 hours @Katarina_Jones left me close to 200 notifications in votes and comments!! So I'm dedicating this chapter to her! (I hope you enjoy it!) I'm not sure when I'll get inspired like that again and post but I have my fingers crossed that 2022 will be more productive. In the meantime I've been just going with the flow and writing whatever my brain wants to put out each day. So expect lots of new stories in the coming year! I've got a whole list on my profile so if anything catches your interest make sure to follow me so you don't miss when these things start getting posted! If I don't get back to wattpad between now and the end of the year I hope everyone has a wonderful Christmas (And for those of you who celebrate Hanukkah I hope your holiday was marvelous!) And have a Happy New Year!

S8E06: Part 2

Third Person POV

"Take her." Estes said throwing Red at one of his men, "And split them up. They've been together too long."

He nodded toward 10K and Eric who were still by Finn at the bar. Another goon grabbed Tommy and threw him in the same corner as Red.

"Now, back to business."

"You son of a bitch." Warren muttered glaring at Estes as she helped Bailey press down on Addy's still open wound.

"Come come now Lieutenant Warren, is that any way to talk to the man who just let you patch up your friend?" he asked, "Speaking of, you've done your part. Bailey can finish on her own."

"That's crazy. I have no training, they do." Bailey replied gesturing at Warren and Red.

"Well then I hope you were paying attention 'Momma Bear' otherwise Addy is still going to die. And what a shame that would be after all the sacrifices the people in this room made to get her this far."

Bailey glared at him as he pointed his gun at Warren and another one of his men forced her away leaving Bailey alone by her friend. He was only making her do this because he thought it would be fun to watch. He was amused by making her struggle. He didn't think she could do this. Well she'd show him. She wouldn't fail Addy. It was the cost of letting Warren help them earlier, making Bailey work alone now. That had been his price.

You can do this. You will do this. She told herself. She'd hate every second of it but she'd do it. She'd had her back against the wall in the past, she just had to tap into that part of herself and dig out the Bailey who had lived day by day in the apocalypse. Tap into that strength she knew was somewhere inside her. It would take all her energy but she could worry about the mental exhaustion later. Right now she was just going to prove Estes wrong.

She concentrated on sewing Addy up, thankfully it was simple enough, she just had to pretend it was fabric and not human flesh she kept piercing the needle into. Then she took from the supply pile something that could serve as a bandage. Luckily Tommy and Eric had found an actual first aid kit so she had some gauze pads to use. She improvised the rest, using duct tape to cover the bandage, it should help keep Addy in one piece.

She felt eyes on her and glanced up seeing Estes watching her with a smile. She returned it with a glare before he chuckled and turned his attention to Warren and Red seeming to also like how helpless they looked, able to do nothing but watch from afar. Bailey put the duct tape back into the pile and started clearing away the bloody towels. When she did she uncovered the knife Red had used in the surgery. She kept her hands moving as she messed with the supplies making it look like she was searching for something as she glanced through her peripheral vision and saw Estes still focused on Warren. Then she stashed the knife in her jeans under her cardigan. She pulled out the alcohol and started disinfecting things at random before she took off the blood stained yellow gloves she was wearing.

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