Chapter 34

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Mico had locked himself up in the library for several hours after the battle. The first thing he did was unlock the drawer that only he had the key to. He took the white paper out and flipped it to see the inked letters that Paxton had typed after their first meeting. Paxton had jokingly made a contract with their terms and conditions, which Mico had unsurprisingly not found funny.

Sitting down on a chair, Mico began to read every word of it when he heard a knock on the door. Mico had no intention of answering it but Bran opened the door anyway.

"Boss, we need you outside," he said.

"Shut the door and get out unless you want your hands to be broken," Mico spewed angrily.

Bran quickly left him alone, afraid that he might actually lose his hands.

Mico, alone once again, held the paper with delicate hands and read it over and over again, before burning it into the fireplace.

After a few hours, Kyle, Bran, and everybody else was surprised when Mico descended from the stairs of his floor and announced that he is ready for the meeting.

The pack members had been gathered outside the Alpha's mansion ready to fire their questions at Mico as soon as he stepped outside.

"What happened to my son? Why isn't he back yet?" an elderly woman asked.

"And my father," a little girl shouted.

Many other such questions popped up before Mico yelled at them to be quiet.

"It pains me to let you know that your family members and some of our pack members could not make it through the battle," Mico said.

A series of outcries were heard.

"Why did you not bring their bodies back? Why did you rob us of the last chance to say goodbye?" a woman yelled. Her eyes were red and she had a murderous look on her face as she questioned him.

"I understand what you are going through. You are not the only one who has lost someone close to them," Mico said. "And to answer your question, if we had attempted to bring the bodies back from the enemy land then we would have lost more of our people."

"What you did," the woman said with tears in her eyes, "was wrong. You have destroyed families. For what?"

"How dare you speak to the Alpha like that!" a high-ranking member who stood on Mico's side said. "You shall be hanged for this!"

Mico looked at him and raised his hand indicating for him to stop. He then stepped down from his high horse and walked towards the woman as the crowd parted to give him the way.

Keeping his hand on her shoulder, he said, "I am doing this for us, for everyone in this pack. Would you rather have more families break apart than fight for the ones that are still together? Would you rather let them come into our pack and murder one of us again and do nothing about it? Do you not feel bad for the poor girl who died? Do you not fear that the same might happen to your daughter if those monsters decide to attack us again?" he said looking at the little girl who stood beside the woman. "Everybody who died in that battle died for us. Their death will not be in vain."

He removed his hand from her shoulder and stepped back to his position while she numbly stood at the same spot.

"He has been fighting for us," the same high-ranking member spoke again. "You should be ashamed of yourself for doubting his leadership."

Mico grit his teeth. "Times are tough. All I ask of you is to stand together and fight," he said before walking back into the mansion.

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