Chapter 3

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Olivia let out a shriek when she felt the sharp claw scratch her shoulder, cutting her sweatshirt and the skin underneath it

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Olivia let out a shriek when she felt the sharp claw scratch her shoulder, cutting her sweatshirt and the skin underneath it. A hand was placed on her mouth to stop her from screaming. Ethan had intended to take her with him until his mentor changed his mind.

"You must not harm the girl before the full moon, sir."

Olivia's muffled screams were heard by none that would help her. She struggled to get out of his hold, but it only made Ethan bind her more tightly. Due to her back pressed up against him, she could not perceive even a single glimpse of her perpetrator, though she had a clear vision of Elliot.

Ethan had waited for so long to find her but he knew Elliot was right. He seemed to have a debate in his mind and then reached a conclusion.

"Erase her memory," Ethan said. "I'll let her go just for tonight." He would unwillingly wait for one more day.

Elliot, a 200-year-old vampire and a faithful friend to Ethan's Pure Blood Pack, stood at the eye level of the girl and tampered with her memories, making her forget about the happenings of that evening in its entirety.

Soon the girl lost consciousness in his arms. Ethan carried her to her house. Breaking in, he slipped quietly into her room that he had surveyed from outside the previous day. He placed her on the bed, covering her with a blanket when he heard some noise from the living room. Giving Olivia one last glance he jumped out of the window and left just as quietly.

With an aching body, Olivia awoke late for school. The start, rush, and panic made her function at a supersonic speed to get ready. Although after coming out of the shower, she stopped when she noticed something odd on her skin. On her right shoulder were three cuts with blood clots. She looked at the bin where she kept her discarded clothes for washing and took her sweatshirt out. The wounds on her body were congruent with the rips on her sweatshirt. She thought it was strange that she couldn't remember how she received the cuts.

Olivia tried to shrug it off, but it kept bothering her, especially when she found her muddy shoes even though she had no recollection of ever going out of the house that evening.

She remained zoned out for most of the morning, and couldn't stop thinking about the mysteries that surrounded her. Kaden sitting adjacent to her gave her a nudge when the teacher wasn't looking to bring her back to earth. Olivia zoned back in and listened to the teacher, Mrs. Linton, talk about the most famous writers and poets of all time.

"Shakespeare and Wordsworth are renowned writers and studied thoroughly even today." The teacher declared to the class.

Olivia slightly leaned towards Kaden and whispered, "I guess I should change my name to William then."

Kaden snickered.

Mrs. Linton seemed to notice their mischief. "Do you have something to share with the entire class, Ms. Jones?"

Muttering a quiet "no", Olivia felt embarrassment take over her face as her classmates scrutinized her. The rest of the classes went on smoothly until chemistry. A beaker slipped out of her hand, shattering into tiny pieces.

Kaden picked up the broken pieces.

"Are you alright? You seem a little lost today." He asked her when the class was over.

Walking down the hallway, she looked at the people around her. The thoughts that she had been pondering upon came pouring out. "I wonder what it would be like to get up one day and leave everything behind. Never look back. I wonder who would come looking for me if I ever disappeared."

Kaden remained silent for a few seconds, contemplating her abrupt response. He figured that her stepmother was the reason behind her odd behavior.

He looked at her and smiled happily while saying, "you can always count on me."


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