Chapter 22

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"Yes... I, I don't know... I am confused," she fumbled.

Victor stared at her thoroughly. "You said yes before you said 'no and I don't know'. That's good enough for me, for now." He said trying to play it safe.

"Umm... So how do we do this? Like, how is it gonna work?" she asked nervously.

Her innocence amused him and he thought she was cute.

"I will mark you but since you're not a werewolf, you can't mark me. You will carry my pups. When I take back what is mine I'm gonna need a line of succession. I need you to understand that the sooner it happens the better," he said with a stern face, trying to mess with her.

Olivia gulped. "You mean... You mean what I think you mean."

"Yes, Olivia," he said with a poker face, "procreation."

Olivia's breathing increased rapidly, as did her body temperature. She had never even kissed a boy, eliminating the time when she had attempted to kiss a boy when she was seven. It lasted for a too short amount of time to be qualified a kiss, and now a Greek God-like werewolf was asking her to carry his babies. She felt like she could collapse and pass out.

"I'm sorry I'm gonna need some time to think." She pushed him and ran out of her room and then out of the house through the backdoor. She felt like she couldn't breathe around him. How could he say things like that? she thought while walking on the edge of the woods.

After leaving the theatre Ethan went behind the building and waited for Elliot. He lit up a cigarette while waiting and put it out when he saw Elliot.

"Master Ethan," Elliot said endearingly when he saw Ethan approaching. "I have the information you need." He reached into the breast pocket of his suit and produced a piece of parchment. Handing it over to him, he said, "She could have the answers that you are looking for. In my opinion, you should definitely meet her."

Ethan looked at the location. "Thank you, I will," he said.

Before Ethan could leave, Elliot asked, "when will you be coming back home?"

Ethan thought about it for a second. "I don't know," he said.

"Are you alright living with them? I could arrange for a separate living space for you," Elliot said referring to Ethan's uninvited guests.

"No, it is temporary anyway, so it does not matter. I will be out of that house as soon as I'm done with all this," Ethan said half-heartedly.

Elliot nodded in acknowledgment before Ethan turned to leave. He started to move in the direction of his new destination.

Ethan walked into the woods trying to decipher the exact location given by Elliot when he realized that he was walking on the border of the town and had almost reached his house. He changed his direction and started walking deeper into the woods, thinking about the possibilities that could open up if his meeting with her went successful.

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