Chapter 6

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Olivia came back home after the meeting had ended

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Olivia came back home after the meeting had ended. The afternoon had blended into the evening as she pondered on how she could strike up a conversation with him. Her chain of thoughts was broken when she heard her stepmother calling her.

"Olivia! Come downstairs right this second!" Jill agitatedly shouted at the top of her voice.

As soon as she saw her stepmother she knew something bad was about to happen.

"Where is the piece of chocolate that was in the fridge?"

"I ate it," Olivia said as a matter of fact.

"You... You ate it?" Jill's eyes widened. "I had been saving that piece for myself!"

Olivia couldn't understand what the big deal was and said, "It was there in the fridge for weeks! I thought you didn't want to eat it."

"Don't talk back to me young lady!" Jill yelled. "It's bad enough that I have to pay for you with my hard-earned money only to have you hog everything in my kitchen!"

"Hard-earned?" Olivia lowered her voice. "Seems pretty easy to me. All you do is sleep with your clients and they give you money."

Jill could no longer control the fury within her and slapped her stepdaughter. Olivia had tears trickling from her eyes as she ran out of the house. She walked to clear her head until she was in the park of another neighborhood. She sat on the bench, tired of walking. She stared at nothing in particular as she was lost in her thoughts and when she reconnected with reality, she noticed the children playing in the park.

Two 10-year-old boys were fighting and then seemed to have made up.

"I'd say, 'let's shake on it,' but I don't want to touch your disgusting hands." Boy 1 said to Boy 2 as he spat on the ground.

Boy 1 spoke again, "now spit exactly where I spat and we have a deal."

Boy 2 cringed but determinedly did as he was told.

"I see you like kids."

Olivia looked at the bearer of the voice and was surprised to find the guy who had occupied her thoughts for most of the day until her stepmother made her want to kill herself.

She didn't reply to him with words. Instead, she chose to give a weak smile.

"Fancy running into you here", Ethan said, pretending as if he hadn't been following her this entire time. "It's a shame that we didn't get a chance to talk earlier."

"Yeah, what a coincidence", she said bleakly, getting up to continue walking. If it had been any other time, she would've been thrilled to talk to him.

He walked beside her and they slipped into small talk about the town and the neighborhood until she steered the conversation to the play.

"I don't like the plot as much as others do. Our writer loves fairy tales too much, but only the dark ones. I'm his opposite", she said.

"I haven't had the chance to read the script yet."

"Oh! I could narrate it for you." She said excitedly.

"The play begins with a girl who prays every day to marry a prince. She wants the prince of the kingdom to be with her. One day the grim reaper listens to her pray and decides to grant her wish.

Soon the girl is visited by the prince and she falls in love with him. He is handsome and fulfills all her wishes. In Act II, he tells her about the abandoned house where a man who looks like a beast lives. The prince warns the girl to never go into that house.

The girl, however, not believing the Prince's story, goes around town asking people about the abandoned house. Everyone knows about the house but nobody knows about the beast that lives there.

In Act III, the girl decides to check it herself. She goes into the house. It is filled with dust and old furniture. She goes deep into the building and inspects all the rooms thoroughly. She finds no beast. She soliloquizes how the prince is a liar and how she would boast about the truth in front of him. As she turns to leave the house from the living room, she sees the prince standing in the way. She smiles and tells him that there is no beast.

The prince merely says, "there is" and devours her in no time."

"The story is closely tied to reality", Ethan remarks.

Olivia laughed. "It isn't. It shouldn't be."

"The prince was too good to be true."

As the sun set low on the horizon, the two of them walked to the secluded part of the town that was closer to the woods. On the other side of the path, Olivia saw Elliot walking towards them and though she didn't him he looked oddly familiar to her. She stopped listening to what Ethan was saying and stressed her brain only to resurface the suppressed memory.

Ethan noticed her looking at Elliot and could see the cogs in her brain turning. He motioned Elliot to get out of her sight but it was too late. She let out a gasp and covered her mouth with her hand, remembering the night when she received the scars on her shoulder. She looked at Ethan and connected the dots. In her panic-stricken state, she attempted to run but Ethan had once again ceased her. He took her deep into the woods where no one would be able to hear her screams.


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