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(Y/N's pov)
i decided to grab some tests just incase, i had to be quick because i didn't want conan to notice. i bought two just incase, i bought the tests and drove home as quick as i could. i fan in the door and headed straight to the bathroom, i took the tests and waited. i was shaking and praying that they came back negative, i'm too young for this, i'm not ready to be a parent yet.
first test: negative
second test: negative
THANK FUCKING GOD. the reason i was "late" was because i was stressing myself out, i was so releaved that they were negative, i threw them away, washed my hands and left the room. conan was still at the studio and i was alone all by myself.
(A/N yes ik i said y/n had to hurry before he came home but hes at the studio, yes im dumb ik)

i was getting bored so i decided to look on twitter to see the drama because im a sucker for that, i know it's a bad habbit but i cant help it. i heard the keys jingle and conans voice. "heyy i'm home" he said, running up to hug me. we hugged and he kissed my cheek. "i missed you, today was boring." i said, with my face burried in his chest. " i missed you too, do you want to order something because i havent eaten like all day." he asked, i was pretty hungry myself so we decided on getting takeout. it was around 7pm and it was still warm outside so we decided to go in the pool. (this story takes place in summer btw) i put on my bathing suit and conan but on his swim shorts, conan jumped in and splashed and i got in delicately because Im a LadY... sike, i jumped with him. we were both talking about the most random shit but we forgot we ordered food, he dried off and took the food. we ate in the pool bc why tf not, we continued spending hours laughing and talking with eachother, we got out at like 4 in the morning, so it was a fun long night. i needed to rinse off but i didn't have energy to shower so i just fell asleep in my towel. when we woke up we went to the mall with maya, and her boyfriend. me and maya haven't seen eachother in like forever, so i was excited to see her again. "soo did you guys fuck or are you just like middleschool relationship with eachother?" maya was big on ✨that stuff✨ "you whore, and yes." we both laughed and everyone at the store was staring at us. we went to hot topic because we're emo queens and i got a back nail polish bottle shaped like a skull, and some billie eilish shirts. we payed and walked out and surprise surprise, spencers was eight next to us. maya smirked at me and jerkerd her head towards the store. "hoe" i said, walking in. i let her walk around and i was just on my phone texting conan.

Y/N: hey babe, where are you guys?
C: heyy me and louis (mayas bf) are by the food court lol
Y/N: ok we're going over there soon love u <3
C: lyt❤️
maya purchased lord knows what and we started looking for the boys.
(conans pov)
louis was pretty cool, we were talking about ourselves and getting to know eachother, we saw the girls coming so that made it a little less akward. "hey we're back" Y/N said walking up to us, maya following. we all made our way to the hair place somehow. maya and Y/N were whispering to eachother and laughing about something which made me worried, i dont want green hair.. tf?
we thankfully walked far far away from the hair section and decided to get icecream. after a little bit of time passed, we both split and went home. when me and Y/N i put my hand on her thigh and smiled.


cutie from the coffee shop :)Where stories live. Discover now