fuck you, louis

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(Y/N's pov)

we decided to scrap the idea, we have no clue if he's going to hit her or not. we decided to go to a little party that wasn't too crazy, we got dressed and headed out. we weren't really planning to get drunk or anything, just wanted to go for the fun of it, once we got there the lights were pretty calm, and the music wasn't painfully loud. "Bad Guy" by Billie Eilish started to play, i remember when the song first came out everyone was going crazy over it, its hard to believe its even over a year old. "holy fuck"maya said, her eyes were glued to someone, i looked over and there he was, making out with some random girl. "dude what the hell are you doing?" she said pulling him away. i walked away and let them handle that themself, honestly I'm scared of them when they get upset. maya came back over to me looking like she was about to kill someone. "lets leave." she said in a furious tone. we headed out and started the car.

(mayas pov)

i was pissed, we've been together for almost 4 years now, and he's cheating on me with this random bitch I've never even seen before, and they were so into it, much more than he's ever cared about me. i wanted to cry but i didn't want to show my emotions, i should've known better, i should've known that this was going to happen, the worst part is its almost my birthday, what did i do to deserve this? thoughts overflowed my head and i wanted to let them all out, but i couldn't do it in front of Y/N, she doesn't know me like this, were best friends but shes never seen me cry, not even in elementary school. i need to move on, its just that all the stupid memories I've made with him are there forever, i need to let it go and i need to do it soon. we used to live together meaning all of his stuff was still there. "Y/N, will you take me to my place, we can burn his shit together." i said, we both smiled and started playing a playlist that makes us feel like we can steal the world and keep it for ourselves. i started off with his sweatshirts, i ripped them up and threw them out the window. i took his phone and started smashing it with a hammer, i didn't even bother too look through it, I'm hurt enough. i dumped out all of my nail polish onto his carpet and bed, cause that never comes out. i got his favorite shirt and wrote in big letters "KISS MY ASS", I've never felt so powerful. his room was completely trashed, there was just one more thing i needed to do, write the words "you're moving out. xoxo your side-chick, maya" me and Y/N drove to her house to eat ice cream and get some rest, cant wait until he gets home.

(Y/N's pov)

i felt insane, we just trashed his room completely, i drove maya to my house so we could chill together and gossip about fake hoes. "honestly, I'm scared to see what he does when he gets home." she said, i didn't want to show it, but i eas horrified of what might happen. "me too, cant you just like, ignore him?" i asked. "i guess so, but that's what he gets for getting all touchy with another girl." i felt bad for her, shes been together with him for such a long time, i honestly cant imagine how she feels. after a few moments of silence, we heard 5 loud bangs at the door, it was louis.


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