years later

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(Y/N's pov)
it's been 3 years since me and conan have been going out, things were more serious and we've both matured over the years, maya and louis were still going strong and so were me and conan. we went on little dates every now and then, and it all felt like a dream. conan had released a few more songs and i left my job. " soo what are the plans for today?" conan said, sliding on the floor with his socks. "nothing much, should we just watch movies all day?" i replied, i was tired and i didnt have that much motivation to do anything. we put on " Call Me By Your Name" and started watching it. i got popcorn and sour candies because no movie is a movie without the snacks. the first sexual scene came on after a little while and i tried my best to keep a straight face but that obviously didn't work out. we finished the movie and by then it was already dark outside. i left the couch and went to grab water and i felt his arms wrap around my waist and kiss my neck, "want to?" he asked. "sure" i responded, so we went up to his room and started.
(conans pov)
we woke up at the same time and i took a shower and brushed my teeth, i made myself lunch and made some for Y/N, it's already been around 3 years since we first started going out, we've grown so much since then and my love for her has never died, it sounds corny but it's true. i went up to my room to clean up a little bit, it only took me about 15 minutes. i left my room and went to find Y/N and i saw her in her room trying on some outfits, i let her be and worked on some music video ideas. 

(Y/N's pov)

i was trying on some outfits i got a little while ago and they all looked pretty good. i decided to take a shower and once i got out i put on one of conans sweatshirts because i didn't have any. "nice sweater where'd you get it?" conan asked looking at me, "your closet." i winked. it was still pretty early so i went on my phone to see if there were any new cool things happening. i texted my friends to see how they were doing and they all replied with "fine". i went up to my room to listen to sad music and hopefully fall asleep because that's what i do when I'm bored. i pressed shuffle and the first song that started to play was "How To Disappear Completely" by Radiohead. the song reminded me of my previous life before i met conan, i had a horrible boyfriend and all of my friends wanted me dead, this as the only song i listened to while that was going on, and i felt a stream of tears running down my face. the next song that started to play was "Liability" by Lorde. that song reminded me of when i was finally getting my life back together, meeting all of my real friends and the people i could really trust. i fell asleep in the middle of the song. 

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