he was a monster

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(mayas pov)

louis finally came home and saw all of his stuff was trashed, all he did was say he hated me, I'm a slut, and that I'm a bitch, typical. i moved in with Y/N for just a little bit, i wouldn't say I'm scared of louis but i was just afraid of what might be there. it would be illegal if he killed me, but would he take it that far? i decided to leave it be, "so, when is conan coming back?" i asked.  "about six months" she replied. i wish louis would get off of my mind, i didn't want to say it but, he really only used me for sex, if i didn't give it to him he would threaten me, i guess he was like that but cant tell anyone, he'd kill me, like literally. I'm glad me and him are through though, it feels like the last day of school, or finally finishing an assignment that took all day, it felt good, i was happy and it was only being away from him for a little. "he didn't treat me right" i accidentally said, it slipped out, i didn't mean to say that, i had no control but a tear fell from my eye, fuck. "what do you mean, who didn't, and what did he do?" Y/N asked, i never meant to say this, i never meant to make her worried, it was 3 years of saying nothing, i knew it would eventually come out but, i wasn't ready. "he would hit me if i didn't sleep with him, its been 3 years with that monster, he was always like that, but he was pretending to be nice, he never was." i said, tears were falling down from my face but i kept a straight face. "oh my god, we need to call the cops or something, you should've told me sooner, I'm sorry, i promise ts going to be okay" she said hugging me. "I'm sorry." my weak voice blurted out, nobody ever knew me like this, i was bottling up my emotions and i was letting all of my emotions out.

(Y/N's pov)

i couldn't belive it, this was going on for three whole years, i dint want to tell her anything, but i had a horrible feeling about him, i shrugged it off like nothing, i was trying my best not to cry, i wanted her to know i was there for her, not weak with her. "it's going to be okay, we have to tell the cops, he can get in serious trouble for this." i told her, this was horrible, i needed her to know this it was okay, and he could get arrested if we try hard enough. "okay, we need to find evidence somehow." she said looking over to me. "OH, the security cameras, we need to get them while he isn't home though, I'm pretty sure he moved out now but still, we need to get them before he does." she said. holy shit, this might work. we got in the car and started rushing over to where she used to live, right now she had to stay with me while she could find somewhere to stay. we got there and there were no cars in front, but just to be safe i went in with her. the house was dead silent, and all the writing was there, we looked over by her bed and the words " YOU WILL PAY, YOU WILL REGRET THIS BABE. JUST WAIT." were written in deep red, almost blood red. "what the fuck" she said. she got closer to me than she ever really has. luckily we took all of her clothes before he could destroy them, we got the cameras and left as soon as we could. "I'm scared." she said, she was always tough, she was never scared, or sad, so seeing her like this was awful, I'm honestly really scared for her too, I'm choosing not to express it though. we got home and connected the sim card to the computer, i wasn't going to watch years worth of footage i just knew i had to collect the evidence that we needed. we got it all gathered up and put it on a USB stick and called the cops. goodbye louis.

hey yalllllll I've been writing so many drafts today but i barely ever update this one, so supriseee! and again, THIS ISNT ABOUT LOUIS TOMLINSON I SWEAR

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